chapter 25

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Andrias pov;

We was still driving and I was bored. I looked at the 2 men in the front.

"How long until dada and weo comes?"

"We will be there in a few minutes, Mrs. Rose."

"I not a granny I wia." That made everyone laugh.

"Baby, they are ordered to call you that when they first meet you. You can have them call you something else if you want." Sissy told me.

"Oh Otay. I wia but I go by aton of names."

"That's cool princess Ria. I'm Ryder, I'm best buds with Leo. This is my twin, Ryker. He is also friends with Leo."

"How old are you princess Ria?" Ryker asked her.

"I tree."

"Wow you're a big girl princess Ria."

"How old awe you RyRy?"

"We are both 23 princess Ria." They said at the same time, I giggled."

Soon we got to a small tiny building. The twins got out of the car and I held sissys hand as we walk to the door.

The twins showed thier badge and put their faces near a screen.

The door opened seconds later.

I say Leo waiting inside and ran over to him.

"Weoooo!" I yelled happy.

"Hey Ria, how was school?"

"Good Weo. I got to color wit the school cop. He even let me hold his handcuffs. Dey were big."

"Wow baby that sounds like fun."

"Weo,I wan dede."

"I can call one of our men and you can talk to him about dino."

"Otay weo."

Leo called the guy and he answered. It's on speaker.

"Yes boss."

"The princess wanted to talk to you."

"Yes Mrs. Rose."

"Tan I be talled pwincess wia?"

"Sorry about that ma'am. Yes princess Andria?"

"Is Dino otay?"

"We had sent him to the base now princess. He had gotten hurt trying to keep Adrian from getting really hurt. The bad people are almost gone."

"Dede a hewo weo."

"Really baby? That's great."

"Princess Andria, I'm sorry but I have to go now."

"Otay bye bye."

"Bye bye princess."

I gave Leo's phone to him and went to the window.

I saw a big van stop in front the men jumped out of the car and opened the back doors. I saw them get a guy and the guy is dede. He's sleeping tho?

"Weo dede is back but he was sweeping and red stuff was coming out of his shoulder."

Weo shot up and picked me up. We left the room as he put me on his hip.

Weo started asking the men for dede. I saw him on the bed.

"Weo dede right dere." I pointed out to him. Weo ran up to him and looked at him before calling for a doctor.

"Weo down, I wan dede." Leo gently put me on the bed.

I started hitting dede.

"Wake up dede. It's time to play not sweepy time."

I saw my friends looking at me softly. My friends work for dada and dey are only soft towards me. It's weird.

I then get sweepy.

"Its sweepy time now dede." I said laying down on his chest. I heard his heartbeat go back to normal as I closed my eyes and went to bed.

Leonardo's pov;

Soon as ria fell asleep on Dino his pulse got stronger. He is fighting for her.

The doctor came and told me to lift her up so they could cut off his shirt and treat him.

I took ria to my office to change her diaper and put a onsie on her.

I took her to dinos room and laid her down on his chest. I saw Ella on the couch sleeping. I know they had trouble sleeping when Adrian couldn't be with them. Ever since the drug attack at the house.

Ella was laying on the couch sleeping. Just then the guys and Alessandra walked in.

"Alessandra, I left room on the bed for when you came in. He is ok right now. He hasn't woken up but he knows we are here."

"Thank you Leo."

Alessandra carefully got on the bed and cuddled Dino. I could tell he was about to wake up holding his most favorite people. Besides from Ella of course.

I saw sino texting someone probably one of his hoes.

A few hours later...

I'm still in Dinos room. He woke up a bit ago. Him and ria are playing with play doh that Alessandra bought for her.

Dad is in a meeting with the Spanish mafia. The don showed up and needed help.

"Leo?" I heard Dino call.

"Yeah Dino?"

"Could you take Ria to get some food please? I would like to have a chat with alessa."

"Yeah, come on babe, let's go get some food."

Dinos pov;

After they left I turned to Alessa, my beautiful girlfriend.

"What did you want to talk about babe?"

"I just wanted to have some time alone with you. Friday after the race 8pm, I'll pick you up. I had an outfit delivered to your house. Wear it." I told her gently kissing her neck.

"Ok babe." She tried to say without moaning. I'm sucking and biting on her neck.

"Stay at mine again, please? I'm leaving for a week and I can't take you with me."

"Ok, I need to get some clothes tho."

"I'll have one of my brothers take you. Just get clothes for school tomorrow, tonight we are busy and our clothes will be on the floor anyway."

"How many rounds?"

"Until we both get tired."

"Dede?" I heard Ria ask. I looked over at the door and saw her standing there.

"Yes baby?"

"Can I sweep with you?"

"Princess dede is busy tonight with alessa, but how about you sleep with sino?"

"Otay dede."

"Dino here are some clothes, get dressed." Dad said walking in and handing me clothes.

"Dada I wanna call vicy."

"Ok, baby girl let's go call Vic."

Dad left after picking up Ria and I gotten dressed with the help of alessa.

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