chapter 29

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Adrian's pov;

I was cuddling with Ella when I felt a gun on my head.

I carefully but quickly unravel myself from Ella and pinned down the person with the gun.



Almost every morning one of the triplets wake me up in a random way.

"Don't wake up Ella. I'll get her things loaded in the car." I told him.

"We are leaving our things on the jet. We have to get ready for breakfast at Nana's house." He said pushing me off him.

I stand up and softly wake Ella up.

"Yeah. We there yet?"

"We have to get ready for breakfast at your grandparents house." I told her.

"Kids come here." Aldo called.

We all walked over to him.

"We are getting more close to home threats against Dino and Alessandra. We are going to have a breakfast meeting at ur Nana's house because this can escalate to war at any time. If it does then we have to be ready. If we go to war. Andria and Alessandra will go with the family until it is over."

"Mr. Rose?" Alessandra asked.


"How long do wars last?"

"It lasts until the don is killed. When the possible war is over. One of the dons would be killed. The boys training will be increased."

"Strength and fight check is soon. Alessandra you are free to watch everyone else will be doing it. Since Ella is joining this fight she is doing the check." Leo said.

"Ella's joining the fight? It's too dangerous for her." Dino said. He's not happy about his sister joining the fight.

"Dee, I was trained with you and O. The plan is for me to stay on top of a nearby building with a guard." Ella told her triplet.

"No, you have to stay safe with Andria and Alessandra."

"Ok, stop fighting. Get ready for the breakfast meeting." Aldo said stopping two of the triplets fight.

I went with Ella to our bags. She just started crying while opening her bag. I stopped what I was doing and just held her.

"Do you think he's mad at me for wanting to join the fight?"

"No baby, he can't be mad at you. He's mad because he wants you to be safe."

"I will be safe. I was trained right beside Dino and Orsino."

"It's not that. He knows you are trained. How would you feel when one of your triplets is hurt? You would be in pain.

If you got hurt he would be in pain. Not only because you are his triplet but also because to him you are his little sister. He would blame himself for your pain. He loves you too much to let you walk into danger."

I looked over to Dino and saw him dressed and talking to Alessandra.

I motioned for him to come over to me and he did.

"She thinks you are mad at her." I whispered to him.

Dino took my place and hugged Ella speaking softly to her. I picked out her a summer dress with sunflowers on it and heeled combat boots.

I got my clothes after putting hers on top of her bag and got changed in the bathroom.

When I finished changing I saw Ella dressed and calmed down.

"Adrian you will be going with Ella on the building if it leads to a fight. The triplets are more comfortable with that." Leo said.

"Ok. I don't mind as long as Ella is safe."

We all walked out of the jet and into their grandparents house.

I have never met their grandparents and uncles.

"Mom, dad, I would like you to meet Adrian." Aldo said after everyone hugs their grandparents.

I shake there hand.

"Nice to meet you ma'am and sir. You have a lovely home."

"Nice to meet you Adrian. Call me Nana. I heard about your father and my husband and I are so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you Ma'am. I'm sorry, Nana."

"Hello Adrian."

"Hello sir."

"I heard you were dating my granddaughter?"

"Yes sir. She is an amazing woman."

"After breakfast I would like for us two to head up to my office."

"Yes sir." I said to the grandfather.

Just then more men and their cousins walked in.

All the cousins hugged me since we haven't seen each other since the triplets last birthday.

"Adrian. How you doing man?" Daniel asked me.

"I'm good man."

"I heard you got a girl ad?" Vadim said.

"Yes I do and she's an amazing woman." I said taking Ella's hand it kissing it.

"Addy is sissys prince bubbas." Ria said to her cousins.

"Sissys prince is gonna have to talk to bubbas babygirl. How about you go tell papaw about your trip to the sea with blue?" Damien told her while Damon held her.

Damon handed her to her papaw and she started talking to him and her uncle.

All of us guys went to lounge outside while we waited for breakfast to get done.

Ella is beside me on my phone since her phone is charging on the jet.

"Babe, will you take me dress shopping when we get back from the trip?"

"Yeah, I'll save up this weeks allowance."

"Suits don't cost that much."

"I'm paying for your dress, shoes, and all the accessories you want."

"Didn't you want to get a new motorcycle since yours blew up on the mission last month?" Ella asked me.

"I'll pick up a few more fights at the fight club before the next mission." I told her kissing her head.

"You fight?" Daniel asked smirking.

"Haven't done it in a while but I was the top fighter back in Russia."

"What skills do you have?" Victor asked.

"My father was very strict about my skills. I was taught everything that has to do with self defense and fighting. Being a dancer I have great flexibility. I was also taught with every gun there is."

"Ella is also a dancer. Which styles were you taught?" Vadim asked me.

"Hip hop, ballet, and ballroom."

"Hey Leo, didn't you say your girlfriend used to do ballet?" Daniel smirked knowing full well only he knew Leo had a girlfriend.

"No that was her sister."

"Leo has a girlfriend?" The triplets asked.

"Yeah, he hasn't told y'all?"

"No we had no idea." Dino said.

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