chapter 20

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Adrian's pov;

Ella and I was in the janitors closet making out when our phones started ringing.

"Just ignore it El. Now, let's continue."

I kissed them and started going down their neck.

"Babe, check who it is." They said moaning.

I got out my phone and saw that it was the group chat. We answered on my phone.

After the call...

"Where were we at?"

I attacked their neck. Kissing, licking and sucking.

Ella was moaning softly in my ear as I made the love bruises all over thier neck.

"HEY! GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF HERE!" The janitor yelled. I grabbed Ella's hand and ran out laughing at his face.

We both have a free period this class so I took us to the bathrooms. They don't only have certain gender ones. There is a non binary bathroom.

I ran into the non binary one and pushed Ella against the wall.

We made out for a good 5 minutes before I took off my shirt and threw it on our bags. Thier hands roamed my chest and stomach.

We continued until the bell rang.

We stopped kissing and fixed our clothes.

I kissed Ella softly before exiting the bathroom going to English class.

5 minutes into class and dino walked in with the school police officer.

"Dino, why are you late again?" The teacher asked him.

"I was on the race track when they told me to go to class."

"You may be ahead of everyone else along with Adrian and Jason but you still have to stay in class." The teacher told him.

"Ok I'll stay in class. See ya later pete." Dino told the teacher then the cop.

He sat down beside me and started the assignment. I'm already finished since it was about commas and semi colons.

(That's what I'm doing in school currently.)

The phone rang and the teacher finally stopped talking to answer it.

"Adrian, the principal wants to see you in his office." The teacher told me.

I fistbumped Dino and walked out after grabbing my bag.

I walked into the principals office and saw Zio and Ella.

"Adrian, I heard from the janitor that he caught you and Fiorello over here making out in the janitors closet."

"First off it's Ella not Fiorello, James. Second, you can't really do anything because your daughter was caught doing the same thing and you didn't do anything about it like you are now." I told him.

"My bad for the wrong name. I don't usually have to see Ella." The principle said letting his eyes linger on Ella.

"If my siblings haven't done anything I'll like to leave and let them go. You have wasted my time and I will let my father know about what happened." Zio told him standing up buttoning his suit jacket.

"My apologies sir. You may leave and take your siblings." The principle told Zio while taking glances at Ella.

All 3 of us walk out and went to our cars.

"Guys, we don't care if y'all do whatever at the house. Just make sure Ria doesn't see or hear anything. It will not be easy giving the sex talk to a baby." Zio said getting into his car.

I opened the passenger door on my car and helped Ella get in. I grabbed our bags and closed their door walking the the trunk to put our bags in. I got in my seat and started the car.

"You didn't have to make my name prefence a big deal babe." Ella told me.

"I don't like it when people get your name wrong. It's disrespectful. I'm not having my love get disrespected." I told them.

"You are so sweet babe." Ella said quietly. I put my hand on their thigh and drove off of school grounds.

"Tonight come to my room. I have a package coming today."

"Shit." Ella cussed out. I squeezed their thigh and they adjusted their selves.

After a few minutes we got home.

We got out of the car and walked in.

"Addieeee, sissyyyyyy!!!!!!!!" Ria screamed giggling when she saw us. She was on top of Victor's shoulders.

"Hey baby." I told her. Victor picked her up off of his shoulders and gave her to me.

She gave me and ella a big hug.

"Addie, vicy taught me how to punch."

"He did baby. Punch my hand."

I held my hand out in front of her and she punched it.

That actually hurt.

"Ow, babe. You sure can punch hard."

"Addie can you sing me the song again?"

Ria asked me rubbing her little eyes.

"Of course baby."

I softly sang the Russian song she loves to hear. I walked up the stairs and to the room Tito was in while singing the song.

"T?" I said, getting his attention.

"The baby fell asleep." I told him. Gently swaying in place to keep her asleep.

"Nooo... Dada wuvs me." Ria started crying. She was still asleep.

"Hey baby? It's ok babe. Addie got you. Addies here baby. Just sleep babygirl. When you wake up you can tell Addie all about your adventure in the sea." I told her softly. She soon fell back asleep.

"Ok aid, can you place her on the bed carefully and get dad in here?" Tito asked me.

"Yeah." I told

I carefully set Ria down on the bed and left the room after kissing her head.

I went to Aldo's office and seen him sitting at his desk working. His door was open so I knocked on the door to get his attention.

"Hey kid."

"Hey Aldo, Tito told me to come get you. I think he's about to start ria's procedure."

"I'm coming. How about you go do homework with Ella. When the others get home we will have a family meeting." Aldo told me getting up.

I walked to my room and saw the maid looking through my things.

I cleared my throat and she jumped in fright.

"I don't want to hear any lame excuses so get out and never come into my room again." I told her coldly. The maid scurried out of the room.

Andrias pov;

I'm laying on a bed holding blue. Dada is sitting beside me. T said that he and B had to fix my foot. It hurt really bad before B made it not hurt anymore.

I want chicken nuggets. When T took me to get them before they were good. I even got a toy.

"T, I want mcdonald's."

"How about we all go to McDonald's for dinner baby. There's a indoor park at the one by the skate park Addie goes to." Dada told me.

"Dat one dada. Can B come too?"

"If he wants to come he can." Dada said looking at B.

"I'll check my schedule babygirl." B said.

"Ok babe you're all better." T told me.

Dada picked me up and I hugged him.

I had a bandage wrapped around my foot and ankle with a dolphin clip on it.

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