chapter 3

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Leonardo's pov;

We are now driving over to the Germans base.

"Remember don't let yourself get killed or captured. Don't leave anyone left alive." I said to my brothers.

"Stop here we're 15 minutes away from the base. I'll check the cameras in just a second." Tito said typing away on his laptop.

"There are 4 gaurds at the entrance and 2 on the roof. I can shut down the power for 30 minutes. That includes the electric fence and the cell doors will unlock. Soon as we get into the base I'll turn it off. Put on your night vision googles." Tito finished.

"I'll make sure Ella gets to the next building safely. After that me and Leo will look for the girl." Dad ordered.

"Let's go Ella. Y'all guys go ahead." Dad finished. Running to the next building with Ella. We all ran to the base.

"Twins take care of them while we sneak past."

The twins walked up and punched them. The gaurds started fighting them.

We were able to sneak past and the twins soon joined us with dad at the door.

"Ella you there?" Dino asked.

"Right here. I can see y'all guys clearly. Now get inside the fucking building and save the girl or I'm gonna tell your girlfriend to suck another dick."

"Ella don't you dare." Dino says.

Orsino laughs.

"Ok come on guys." Enzio said.
We all walk in and Tito started typing on his watch.

"Ok 3...



Lights out" he said and the lights shut off.

We can still see people heat signs. We started fighting every German we can see.

After a few seconds me and dad found a door to the basement. We ran down the stairs and saw lines of cells.

We started walking around.

"STOP CRYING!" We heard a German scream from a few cells away. We ran over and found a man kicking a small child. She has long brown hair and looks like she is a few months old.

"Leave her alone." Dad ordered.
The German looks at us.

Dad walked over and pushed the man away from the girl. I kneeled down and picked up the girl.

"Hey princess, what's your name?" I ask softly. She started crying.
I quickly calm her down.
"She looks like Tito dad." I said.
"Wait what?" He asked shocked.
"That's your daughter alright. Have fun." The man said. He then took his knife and slit his throat.

"We need to get her out dad." I said holding her close to my chest.

"Let's go."

We ran out of the basement and saw the guys finish off the men.

"I will take her to the van. Get your brothers and tell Tito to get Ella." Dad said. I gave her to dad and her put her against his chest as he ran out to the van.

I shot the last few men and ran over to my brothers.

"We got the girl. I'll tell y'all the rest when we're in the van. Tito go get Ella." I said.

A few minutes later were all in the van looking at the small girl in dads arms.

"Dad, why does she look like Tito?" Enzio asked.

"I'm not sure. But a German said that she is my daughter. We are going to our hospital now to get her checked and to get a DNA test."

We get to the hospital and get out. We walk to entrance and towards the counter.

"We are the owners of this hospital and we found a little girl. We would like to have her checked up and a DNA test done." Dad said.

"Of course Mr. Rose, would you please sign these documents. I will have our top pediatrician take care of her.
Does anyone else have to get checked out?" The man behind the counter asked.

"Dad, I got grazed during the fight." I heard Orsino whisper to dad.

"My son here is bleeding and I would like to have him checked out." Dad said.

"Of course sir. What is his name and I will call someone down to check it out."

"Orsino Rose. His other triplet brothers will want to be present."

"Yes sir." The man said taking the paperwork back from dad.

A few minutes later...

We are all in the waiting room.

"Orsino Rose?" A doctor called.
The triplets stood up and went with the doctor.

A doctor then came to us.
"Mr. Rose?"

"Yes ma'am."

"The test results came back and indeed the little girl is your daughter."

That shocked all of us.

"Where is my daughter?"

"She is resting now. Her condition is very rare currently."

"I want to see her."

"Follow me please." We all followed her to the children's place and into a room. There lay my sister. On one of those tables they put kids.

"What is her condition?" Dad asked.

"She is extremely underweight for her age. It has also effected her height.
She can only say a few things and she can't walk or even stand. She has a bad rash from not being changed as much. It's a miracle she's even alive. She has alot of bruises and scars. Whoever had her did unspeakable things to her." The doctor explained sadly.

"Enzio call the triplets and tell them to come here. Miss, can I hold my daughter?" Dad said.

"Of course. Come in quietly. She still can't handle loud noises."

Dad walked in the room with the doctor. She softly picked up Andria and put her in dads arms.

"Hey baby, I'm your daddy. I will never let anyone hurt you again. Your brothers are very happy you're safe." I heard dad say softly.

Andria slowly woke up and grabbed dads finger.
"Dada?" She said so cutely.
"That's right baby. I'm dada. Daddy loves you more than anything babygirl."

She then yawns and goes to sleep.
"She is so cute. I call buying her clothes." Ella said.
The other two laughed.

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