chapter 7

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Aldo's pov;

I was in my daughter's room watching her play with her toys.

An alert went off on my watch and Tito just called a meeting.

I immediately pick up my princess and grabbed her dolphin toy giving it to her.

"Wat wong dada?"

"T and bubby Leo just needs dada and other bubby's at work." I said to her softly.

I knocked on my parents door to the guest room they are in.

"Yes son?" My dad asked opening the door. Andria cuddled closer if that was even possible.

"A meeting was called and I have to go. Can you and mom please watch Andria?"

"Give her to me. Hey princess I'm papaw."

"Ok baby, dada has to go. I love you."

"Bye bye dada I wuv you."
I kissed my daughters head and left to my car.

Author's pov;

The grandfather never gotten to meet her until now. He was informed of her condition and now seeing her, he was way more protective of her.

If that's even possible.

"Andria, I was told that you like dolphins. Do you want to see a picture of a real one?"

"A weal one? Wes pwease."

The grandfather gotten out his photo album and found a picture of all his sons near a dolphin tank.

"Wow! It dada pawpaw. Dada saw a dowfin?"

"Yes baby, that's your father and uncles with a dolphin."

"Wat is uncwes?"

"They are your father's brothers."

"Dada has bwofews? Wow!"

"Want to meet them? They really want to meet you."

"Wes pawpaw."

He pulled out his phone and called his sons.

"You haf a fone wike Bubba's and dada?"

"Yes baby."

"Hey dad." A guy said answering and not looking at the call.

"Dad who is that in your hands?" His other 2 asked.

"Well boys, I want you to meet Andria." All the guys looked shocked and then said...

"We're going to Italy. See you tomorrow." And hung up.

"Dey weiwd pawpaw." The baby said.

"Yes they are. Want to eat some cookies now?" He asked her standing up.

"Wat dat?"

"They are very good baby. Nana's are the best."

The grandfather walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He saw his wife cleaning up the kitchen and letting the cookies cool.

She turned around and saw Andria holding a big cookie in her tiny hands.

"Hi baby, I'm Nana."

"Honey, little princess over here never had a cookie before."

"Tooties awe yummy pawpaw." Andria said looking at him.

"Oh baby do you want to decorate your brothers cookies and take them to them?"

"Wes pwease."

The grandfather sat down with her while her grandmother got the things ready.

Time skip...

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