chapter 13

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Tito's pov;

When we get home it's about 6:00. I picked up my baby and bought her inside.

"T, tan we wowk out?"

"Yes baby let's get changed first." I told her taking her to her room and changed her. Then I took her to my room so I could change.

In the gym I sit her up against something so that she can get used to sitting up. As she is lifting smal 3 pound weights, I am bench pressing.

Time skip...

We have been in the gym for an hour now and dad should be back soon.

I picked up my baby and walked to dinos room. I walk in and see him laying down on his phone.

"Dino, I need you to give our sister bath while I shower."

"No way bro. The little demon splashes my phone."

"Do you splash his phone baby?"

She shook her head and I left the room.

I then go ask Ella. They love taking care of her.

I see Ella laying on their bed on the phone with a friend.

"Hey Ella?"

"Hold on one sec. ... yeah T?"

"I need you to give Ria a bath while I shower. You don't have to wash her hair."

"Yeah I'll give her a bath. Dino made up a shitty excuse again right?"

"Yeah, he said that she splashes his phone."

"That kid gets on my nerves. He has a waterproof phone and doesn't take it out of his room."

"I'll take her to your office when she is done." Ella added taking Ria.

"Ok thanks Ella."

"Anytime T."

Ella walks to the baby's room with Ria. I walk to my room.

Ella knows that Ria calls me T so they will not say my name if Ria is listening.

Time skip...

After I showered I went to my office to work on a few things. The systems seem to have been attacked. Meaning someone is trying to hack through out fire wall.

The codes that they are using are amateur. You learn them in computer science.

As I'm trying to find the laptop that isn't touch screen, Ella comes in with Ria and my laptop.

"I found this in her room. I think she wants to be like you T." Ella said setting the laptop down and giving me Ria.

"I'm gonna start getting the table ready. Dad will be here in about 15 minutes with pizza."

"Ok call me when he's here." Ella nodded and left.

I looked at my baby and see her looking at me cutely.

"Why did you take my laptop babe?"

"I wanna make you hawpy T. Is dat bad?"

"No, it's not bad sweetie. Do you wanna know something tho baby?" She nodded.

"You make me happy by just being here baby. I'm not mad at you. I can never be mad at you."

"So if I weave you wiw be sad?"

"Yes baby, I love you."

"I wiw neva weave den. I wike making bubbas an dada hawpy."

"Good baby. How about you play with your computer in your swing now? Tell me if you need help."

"Otay T." I put her in her swing by my desk and give her her computer. I start working on mine glancing over at her every few seconds.

About 10 minutes later Ella called me for dinner.

I picked up my baby and walk downstairs to the dining room. I see Leo with 6 boxes of pizza and Enzio with 3 2-liters.

As we all get settled with dad and Leo sitting at both ends. Me and ella sit beside Leo on opposite sides. Orsino and dino beside them. Enzio and Adrian beside me. Ria is sitting on dads lap.

"So I heard that little miss Ria back talked a doctor today." Dad said.

"What happened?" Leo asked.

"I was getting her inhaler from the front desk when the nurse tried to slip me her number. Ria asked me why she was dressed as a barbie. The nurse was angry and asked Ria why she was apparently dressed as a slut. Ria said that she wasn't dressed as a slut and to look in a mirror. Security then came." When I finished everyone was laughing.

"Ria later asked me what a slut was." I said.

"She's so innocent." The triplets said together.

"Babe you do know that slut is a no no word?"

"It is? I sowy dada."

"Oh its OK baby. Just don't say it again okay baby?"

"Otay dada."

"Dad I did make Ria a deal today." I said eating my pizza.

"What deal?"

"I said if she learned how to walk that I'll buy her a car. She said that when she learns how to walk she wants a car like Leo's."

"Well triplets I think that the baby is going to drive before y'all." Adrian said.

"Oh yeah. Andria this is Adrian. His dad is in trouble right now so I am now taking care of him until his dad can come get him." Dad said.

"Hewo Addie I wia."

"Эй, Риа."
(Hey Ria.)

"Dada addie tawked funny." Ria said amazed by the Russian language.

"Babe, I am Russian, meaning I speak in a different language sometimes. You are Italian so you can speak in Italian like your brothers and dad." Adrian explained.

"Again, again." Ria said. Adrian started speaking Russian and Ria just listened to him. Ella also just listened to him.

"Dad, Ria stole Tito's laptop today." Ella said.

"Its ok tho dad, Ria thought that if she did what I do that she will make me happy."

"Did you punish her?"

"No. I'll never punish my baby even though she can be a devil."

"I messed with it once and you grounded me for a month." Orsino said.

"So? Ria is my baby and you are my brother."

"Ria, how do I get Tito to like me?"

"Who is tito?"

We all laughed and continued talking. I told dad my plan for her private room and he agreed.

After dinner Ria and Adrian started playing while I was setting up her private room into a sea animal hospital.

I was building the counter when Leo called for me.

"Tito, the baby is crawling to your room." I immediately stopped and walked to my room. I saw no one in the door way so I walked in and saw Ria crawling to my closet. I walked in and saw her trying to take her sleeper off.

"Baby what are you doing?"

"I wanna weaw youw shiwt T. Bu I need hewp." She said.

"You can always ask me for help babe. Now let's put you in my shirt."

I took off her sleeper and took off my shirt putting it on her.

It drowns her.

She tried to crawl but can't due to how big the shirt is.

I picked her up and she layed her head on my chest.

I take us to my bed and lay down. I have a kids oxygen mask and machine in here for her already. I put it on her and Ria just fell asleep laying on my chest.

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