chapter 12

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Andrias pov;

Me and T are driving right now. He said we are going to meet up with his friend so he can help me. I even get a sucker.

I liked playing with sissy and bubbas today. Sissy was making funny faces while dancing and bubbas let me throw a ball.

They told me that I'm meeting someone at dinner today. Sissy told me about him this morning and she was happy while talking about him.

We soon pulled up to a big building.

T got me out and I held onto him.

He walked inside and there was so many people.

"T I no wike it."

"I know baby but in a minute you won't see many people. Just close your eyes and I won't let you go."

I trust T so I closed my eyes and hugged him.

I want my bottle now.


"Yes baby?"


He moved me so I was laying down in his arms and he gave me my bottle.

"She's adorable. I don't think I've ever seen a baby not cry for a bottle." I heard a girl say to T.

"Thank you. She doesn't cry much."

"Well I say you are one lucky father."

"I'm actually her brother. I'm also looking for someone."

"Who are you looking for dear?"

"Dr. Dawson."

"You must be Tito Rose. He told me to take you to an room when you got here. Sorry about that sir."

Who is tito?

We entered a room and I saw a man sitting in a chair with paper in his hands.  The girl left.

"Hey man." The guy said to T.

"Hey Dawson."

"Who is this cutie?"

"Andria, this is my friend Blake. Blake, this is my sister Andria."

"Hey princess, Tito told me that you have trouble breathing. Is that right?"

"Who is tito T?"

"Mi chiama T. Ha dimenticato il mio nome."

The guy nods.

"Babe, can Blake check you up now?"

I nod.

T lays me down on a bed and I start crying wanting him. He puts his big hand by mine and I start playing with his rings and tracing his tattoos.

I felt tired so I grabbed Ts hand and hold it while falling asleep.

Tito's pov;

I was talking with Blake about Ria when I felt her hold my hand. I looked over at bed and saw her sleeping and holding my hand.

Blake checks her up and leaves to get the results.

I picked up my baby and held her close to my chest.

I sat in Blake's chair and just texted dad filling him in on everything.

A few minutes later I heard the door open.

"Ya know that's my seat." Blake said.

"I know and I don't care."

"Well your sister does have asthma. It's kinda major right now since her lungs are not that strong yet. The prescription inhaler is at the front desk. She should wear a oxygen mask at night and during naps. If she has a asthma attack use the inhaler. Call me over if you need anything."

"Thanks man. This makes things easier." I said hugging him.

"T, I wan dada." I heard my baby say.

"We are leaving right now baby. How about you ask Blake for sucker since you have been so good."

"B, tan I have a suter?"

"Yes princess, pick any one you want."

She gets 2 suckers out of the bowl and gives one to me.

"Thanks baby." I said opening her sucker.

We leave the room and I head to the front desk.

"Andria Rose inhaler?"

"Yes here it is." The girl said slipping me her number with the inhaler.

"T, why is she dwessed as a bawbie?" Ria asked me. I have to try not to laugh.

"Why are you dressed as a slut?" The girl said to my baby.

She is wearing a sun dress. How is she dressed as a slut?

"I not dwessed as a swut. Maybe you need to wook in a miwow." Ria said doing her cute glare.

Security soon came over.

"Please take her away. I was only getting my sisters inhaler when she made rude comments to a child who has trouble breathing." I told him.

"Doctor, Come with me."

I leave the hospital and head to the car.

As I'm buckling Ria in she asked me a question that made me burst out laughing.

"Wat a swut T?"

"Wait until you're older."

I turn on YouTube on my phone and give her it.

"Call dad."

"Calling dad..."

"Hey son."

"Hey dad, Ria and I are driving home now. She has a major case of asthma and can't sleep unless she has her oxygen mask on."

"Is she ok?"

"Yeah she's on my phone. She also did something that will make you laugh."

"What did she do?"

I told him what she said to the doctor and dad just laughed.

"My little princess is so smart and strong. Baby?"

"Hey dada."

"What do you want for dinner tonight?"


"Ok babe, I'll tell Leo to order pizza tonight."

"Tank you dada."

"Anything for my baby girl. Ok, I love you kids bye."

"Bye bye dada, tew bubbas I wuv dem dada."

"I will baby."

"Bye dad, we love you too."

Call ended.

"Ok babe let's get a toy."


"Yes baby?"

"I wan to save animaws wike you save peopwe, T."

"That's called being a vet. If you want to save sea animals. It's called a marine veterinarian."

"Tan I be one T?"

"Babe, when you grow up you can be anything. You will be the best marine veterinarian I know baby."

"You wan'ed be a dotor T."

"Yes baby."

Me and my princess continued talking. I told her more about what doctors do and she was happy.

We stopped at the toy store and she get a marine vet toy set.

Well I may be setting up her a fake sea animal clinic in her private room. I gotten sets and fake pools being Shipped to the house.

She may be young but her passion for helping sea animals is there. I'm just going to help her learn and study.

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