chapter 21

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Adrian's pov;

I'm in my room sitting on my bed. Ella is laying down with their head in my lap. We are both doing our homework. Well I'm cheating off of El but I'm still doing it.

I was copying down the last answer when I heard a knock on the door. I looked up and saw Aldo.

"Hey Aldo."
"Hey dad."

"Hey kids. We are having a family meeting downstairs before dinner."

"Ok we'll be down in just a second."

Andrias pov;

I'm in dadas arms while he talks. I want to play with blue but he wanted to play in the sea.

Vicy had to fly away and B had to take care of a few things.

"Baby I think you want to listen to this." Dada told me.

"We are all going on a trip during fall break. I found a Waterpark sea animal resort. It even has vets show and explain how they fix real life sea animals."

"Please dada. Can we go?" I asked dada.

"Yes princess." I gave dada a big hug.

"That would actually help her out with learning how to care for animals." T told dada.

"We are leaving after Dinos race on Friday."

"What's a race dada?"

"In a race people ran really fast to try and get ahead of everyone. The fastest one wins. Dino is the fastest kid in the school cross country for he goes against other schools friday."

"De de win the race?"

"Not yet princess."

"De de? Can I run in a race?"

"Before the race the judges let all the baby siblings of the runners race just for fun. Do you wanna run in the baby race?" De de told me.

"Yes de de."

"Ok baby, let's see how fast you are. Run to me." Dino said going to the other side of the room. Dada put me on the floor and I stood up using dadas legs for help. I ran as fast as I could to dede and he picked me up in the air.

"You are so fast princess." De de told me. I giggled.

"Ok kids we are going to McDonald's for dinner. The one by the skate park. Go get ready." Dada told us. De de handed me to Leo and he took me to my room.

"Weo can I wear the pink dress sissy brought me?"

"Yeah babygirl. Let's get you cleaned up." Leo told me.

Leo took me to my bathroom and changed my diaper.

After that he changed my outfit to the pretty pink dress sissy bought me.

Fiorello's pov;

I was in my room stressing about what to wear. I heard Ria say she was wearing the pink dress and I want to wear a dress but I don't know if my family will be ok with it.

I have dresses that I have gotten myself.

I felt a kiss on my head and saw dad.

"I was passing by and wanted to check on you. Are you ok Ella?"

"I don't know dad. I want to dress like a girl but I don't know what everyone would say."

"Well if they do say anything tell me and I'll deal with them. Ella, if you want to wear a dress or even a bra with fake boobs. Wear it and don't listen to anything. I don't think of you as my son who dresses girly. I think of you as my daughter. Ria calls you her sissy. Now go put on a dress just make sure your gun is on you. I'll be waiting downstairs for my 2 most beautiful daughters."

"Thanks for the talk dad."

"Anytime sweetie." Dad said walking out.

I get dressed in a emerald green dress and a cropped leather jacket. I put on some black shiny dress shoes. The kind girls wear.

I do my makeup as a simple look and grab my phone going to Adrian's room. I walk in and saw him with jeans and no shirt. He had his back turned so I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

He turned around and looked me up and down.

I love when he does that.

"You look like a angel in heaven. So so beautiful."

He pulled me into a kiss and I let my hands roam his chest and stomach.

When we part away I went into his closet and got out a black shirt and threw it at him.

"As much as I love seeing you shirtless, the others are waiting for us."

After he put on the shirt i kissed him one last time and we went downstairs.

We have to dress nice everywhere now because the mafia ball is in a few weeks. Mafia families are already coming down since it's our time to host it.

I saw my baby sister looking like a princess. She was wearing the pink dress and a leather jacket. Me and her had on matching shoes. Ria saw me coming with Adrian beside me and she ran to me. Adrian picked her up and handed her to me.

"Sissy looks pretty like a princess." Ria told me.

"Ria looks way more pretty. A beautiful princess."

"I not a princess sissy I have no prince. Sissy a princess and addie is sissys prince."

"Both of my girls are beautiful princesses and all of my boys are handsome princes." Dad said

"Then dadas a king!" Ria said happily.

We all got in our cars. Dino and Orsino went with Zio, dad, and Leo in dads car.
Adrian and me is going with Tito and Ria in Tito's car.

Ria is in her seat playing with the dolphins on her car seat handle.

"Tito, why do we have to dress nice everywhere?" Adrian asked him.

"The Rose family ball is the week after the trip. Some of the other families in our business came 2 weeks early."

"Why are we having a ball? We can just throw a ball around at home."

"Babe the ball we are talking about means a party. But it's a business party meaning you can't have toys all over the place." Tito told her softly.

"Can I atleast be a princess?"

"Yes baby. You and sissy can be princesses."


Hey sorry I haven't posted in a while.

Who's ready for the holidays?

Bye people

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