chapter 23

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Andrias pov;

I'm in the car with Dede and Ales. Ales is really nice and she did my hair really pretty. My jacket is really uncomfy but Dede likes these jackets on me.

Dedes car stopped and I see a huge building.

Dede and ales get out of the car leaving me in here alone. I get teary eyed thinking they left me but Dede opened the door and unbuckled me. He picked me up and closed the car door after grabbing my bag. He put my bag over his shoulder and put me on his shoulders.

I saw everyone was staring at me and hugged dedes head.

Addie and sissy and Sino walked over and addie and Sino kissed my cheek before glaring at everyone.

I left blue at home

I started crying and dede took me off of his shoulders and looked at me softly.

"I forgot blue." I told him sadly. Dede open his door and I saw blue in the seat.

"BLUE!!!" I yelled happy. Dede handed me blue and I hugged him.
Dede put me back on his shoulders and I played with blue while walking into the school. We went through a door that had a name on it.

A old lady was sitting at a desk typing on a computer. She saw bubbas and sissy and gotten scared.

"Why are you scared lady? Bubbas and sissy are very nice." I asked her. She looked up at me and smiled.

"You must be the baby sister. I'm Mrs. Cooper."

"More like Mrs. Pooper." A kid yelled looking at her and laughing.

"Hey, that not funny. That mean. Now shut it air head." I told him crossing my arms.

"Good job baby. You're learning quickly." Sino said giving me a high five.

"Oh really bad insult. You're just a kid little girl."

"Ales, can you get me down?"

"Come on cutie."

Once I was on the floor I gave addie blue walked over to meany with ales.

"And you're just a "dick" little boy." I said kicking him. Ales said the nono word.

I turned around and saw a man along with bubbas and sissy laughing. I ran to dede and he picked me up. Addie gave me blue.

"So this is the baby sister that can clearly stand up for herself." The man said.

"Hi, I wia."

"Hey Andria, I'm principle James."

"Hi James, I came because I wanted to and bubbas listen to me."

"So are you going to keep them out of trouble?"

A few hours later...

I was in class with addie. He was writing things down on paper. The teacher was mean. She took away blue. Addie tried to get it back for me but she threatened to give him an F. Apparently that's a bad grade.

The really loud bell rang for the 3 time this class and everyone got up to leave.

Addie packed up his bag and I packed up mine.

Addie stood up and put his bag on his back and helped me put mine on. He picked me up so I won't get lost.

We went up to the office and Leo dropped off mcdonald's.

We went outside and ate at a table.

I was sitting on sino's lap eating my chicken nuggets when 3 guys came over.

"Hey guys what's up?" The guy with black hair asked sitting down beside Sino.

"Who is this munchkin?" The blonde one asked.

"Hi I wia."

"Hey Ria, I'm jasper. How old are you Ria?"

"I three." I told him holding up what I think is three fingers.

Adrian's pov;

Our friends came over to the table and talked to Ria a bit.

Sophia then came over.

"Sinooooo who is she and why does she get to sit on your lap?"

"She's my sister and you don't get to because we only mess around with eachother. We're not dating."

"We could be dating but you always say no."

"That's because I don't want my sister around someone who wears clothes that is small on a toddler."

"Who cares about some whiny kid. I could make you feel good and give you all the cuddles you need."

"Nope, I love spending time with her more then you. Now go away before I make you go."

Sophia runs off.

She's annoying to be honest.

"Addie can we get blue back? I miss him." Ria asked me. My fucking teacher had to take away the dolphin from a kid and threatened to fail me. Usually I wouldn't care about failing but ella told me that if I pass all my classes they would give me a surprise.

"Who is blue?" Ryan asked.

"Blue is my best friend and a teacher took him away from me." Ria answered tears filling her little eyes.

Dino gotten mad.

"Ria how about me and you both go get blue back then you can take a nap?" Dino asked her gently. She nodded her head as her little fist rubs her teary eyes.

Dino stood up and threw away his and Alessandras trash away before giving her a kiss.

"I'll come with a want to see this teacher myself." Jacob said standing up.

I told them the room number and the three of them left.

Andrias pov;

I'm really sleepy and I don't have blue. Dede is holding me in his arms. Jacob gave me a paci and I thanked him. He's nice.

We reach the classroom of the teacher who is holding blue captive. We walk in and she was playing on her phone.

Dede cleared his throat and she looked up bored.

"Yes? If you're here for that stupid dolphin she's not getting it back. I turned it into the office and they are having your father pick it up at the end of the day."

I started crying into dedes chest. All I wanted was blue.

"Hey babygirl it's ok. We will get blue back and you and him can take a nice nap. Ok?" Dede told me softly.

I nodded my head but didn't lift my face from his chest.

We wnt into the hallway and dede called someone.

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