chapter 24

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Dinos pov;

I'm extremely angry at that bitch. Taking a stuffed animal from a toddler is like having someone you loved taken away.

I got my phone out and called my dad.

"Hey son, why are you calling me at school? Is Ria ok?"

"She was with Adrian for 4th class when the teacher gotten mad at Ria and taken away blue and threatened to fail Adrian. I tried to get it back for her but she turned it into the office for you to pick up."

"I'm on my way. Give the phone to Ria."

I handed Ria my phone.

"Hi dada. I sad."

"I know baby. I'm on my way now. I'm getting blue back to you and daddy is going to talk to the teacher."

"Otay dada. Wia wuvs you."

"Daddy loves you my sweet girl."

End call...

"Dada saving blue an gonna talk to teacher."

"Ok baby. Do you want to try to sleep without blue until daddy comes?"

Ria nodded her head and layed her head on my shoulder with her face in my neck.

I noticed Jacob holding ria's bag.

"Hey man, could you get ria's bottle out of her bag?"

"Yeah man."

Jacob got her bottle and I positioned her to lay down in my arms.

"Ok you can hand her the bottle. Gently put it nipple by her lips."

Jacob gave her the bottle and she smiled at him tiredly. We go back outside to our table and see everyone done eating.

"The teacher took blue to the office so dad is on his way to save blue and talk to the teacher."

I looked over to where my girlfriend was sitting and couldn't see her.

"Where's alessa?" I asked coldly.

"Hey babe." I heard her say behind me. I turn around and see her.

Aldo's pov;

I'm in the car driving to my kids school. A teacher took blue away from my baby girl.

I park my car and walk in the office pissed as hell.

"Mr. Rose, I was told to show you to the principals office soon as you got here. Follow me please." I was lead down a hallway and to the principals office.

I walked in.

"Mr. Rose, how are you?"

"Where is my daughter's dolphin?" I ask him.

"Mr. Rose I don't have your daughter's dolphin. It was never brought up to the office."

"My sons 4th period teacher told them she took it up to the office. Now where is the fucking dolphin."

"I'll call down the teacher. I need everyone who spoke to her on this in here as well so we can figure this out."

I texted my kids and told them to come to the office.

A few minutes later my kids arrived along with a middle aged woman carrying my daughters dolphin in her purse.

I saw my daughter half asleep in Dinos arms. She saw me and did grabby hands. I picked her up and held her close as she sucked on her pacifier.

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