chapter 22

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Author's pov;

It was currently 7am the next day. Andria passed out on Titos chest.

As the sun shone through the window. A little girl awoke from her dream of her and her daddy riding a dolphin in the sea.

"T why do you make loud noises at night?" The tiny girl asked her brother.

"I don't make loud noises." Tito told the toddler.

"Yes you do. Dada and bubbas also make it. Sissy doesn't."

"What about Adrian? Does he make loud noises?"

"Addie is like my bubbas." The little girl told her half asleep brother.

When Tito wakes up all the way he goes down stairs to the kitchen.

He walked in and saw Dino there with his girlfriend.

"Hey princess. Can I hold you?" Dino asked his baby sister. Tito put her down and she ran to her brother.

Dino picked her up mid run and threw her in the air catching her.

Little Andria giggled so innocently at her brother.

"Bubba do you have school today?"

"Yes princess."

"Can I come?"

"You have to ask daddy that princess."

"Where is dada?" The baby asked.

"He had to leave early this morning for work. Do you want to call him?" Tito said to his sister.

"Call him T."

Tito got out his phone and called his father.
He gave the phone to Ria once he answered.


"Good morning dada."

"Morning my baby. Is there a reason you had T call me?" Aldo spoke softly.

"I wanna go to school with Dede."

"Baby are you going to listen to bubbas and sissy and ask them to call or text us if u need something?"

"Yes dada."

"Babe can you give the phone to Dino please?"

"Otay dada. Dede dada wanna talk to you."

Dino took the phone from the baby.

"Hey dad."

"You better watch her. I'll call the principal and let him know."

"Ok dad."

"Bye son love you. Give the phone to Ria."

"Ok dad. Bye love you. Here you go princess "

Dino said giving the phone to his sister.

"Hi dada."

"Hey baby. Be good for bubbas and sissy at school. If you want to go home tell them to tell us and we will come and get you."

"Otay dada."

"Bye bye baby I love you."

"Bye bye dada. Wia loves you."

The toddler gave the phone to Tito and he hanged up.

Ria finally noticed the girl in the room.

"Dede who that?"

"Baby, this is my girlfriend, Alessandra. Alessa, this is my baby sister, Andria."

"Hey cutie." The girl said in her soft voice.

"Hi I wia." Ria said waving.

"Ria is going to school with us babe."

"Wow you must be really smart then to already be going to highschool."

"She is really smart. She knows all of her colors." Dino told his girlfriend.

"Really? What color is this then? Dino said it was pink." Alessa said pointing to her red shirt.

"It red not pink." Ria told her.

"Dede I wanna get ready."

"Ok baby girl let's go get ready. How about you finish eating babe, I'll be back down soon."

Dino leaves the room and walks upstairs with ria in his arms. She couldn't wait to go to school with her siblings.

They got to her room and dino put Ria down. She ran into her closet and called for dino to hurry up.

"D hurry up."

Dino chuckled to himself at his little sister.

Dino got ria out a cute plad skirt and black short-sleeved onsie. He then got out her combat boots and her blood red leather jacket.

He changed her diaper and got her dressed in her cute badass outfit. He brushed her long hair and tried to French braid but failed.

"Dino, do you need help?" Alessa asked her boyfriend. She was standing in the doorway.

"Yes." Dino sighed.

Alessa walked over to the brother and sister and dino gave her the brush.

As Alessa calmly brushed ria's hair, ria was falling asleep. Dino noticed and picked her up laying her in his arms and   holding her mask to her tiny mouth.

"We have to put her oxygen mask on her when she sleeps. She has asthma and her lungs aren't that good yet." Dino explained to his girlfriend.

Alessa nodded and continued with her hair.

In her mind she was thinking about the little girl infront of her.

'Why does such a sweet girl have to wear a oxygen mask to sleep?'

Once her hair was done Dino gave her a backpack that was her size. He put some books and a small notebook with a few crayons and. He picked her up and put her on his shoulders as he walked down the stairs with her lunchbox in one hand and Alessandras hand in the other. He got to the kitchen and saw the rest of his triplets and Adrian.

"Hey guys. We have a princess coming to school with us today."

"Well princess looks like she's all ready for school." Adrian said

Hey, if you get these 5 questions right, I'll carry you on my shoulders at school." Dino said. She loves being on her brothers shoulders.

"What color is the sky?"


"How do you spell your name?"

"Ummm... A-n-d-r-i-a."

"What color is my hair?"


"Can you count to 5?"

"Umm 1, 2, 3, 4, 5."

"What is our last name?"


"Wow baby you are really smart." Dino told her.

Dino was about to pack her lunch until Leo walked in.

"Dino, I'll drop of lunch at the school for you guys. Write me a list of what to get. I already know what Ria likes. Alessandra go ahead and let Dino know what you want so he can text me it. You are technically family if you can handle his moody ass and still be sweet to everyone." Leo said.

Before anyone could speak Ria did.

"Weo that's a nono word."

"Sorry Ria. I won't say another nono word."

"I telling dada on you Weo. You the oldest bubba."

Hey guys.

I tried so hard to finish this chapter for the holidays.

Happy holidays

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