chapter 10

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Andrias pov;

I was in T arms. I then heard dada. T turned around and I saw him. I reached out for him.


Dada picked me up and I hugged him.

"Hey kids, give your uncle a hug?" He said. All of my cousins hugged Dada and me.

"Hey baby, we got you something."
The v triplets said.

I looked at them and saw a big box.

Dada helped me open it and it looked so much fun. I didn't know what it was but vicy said that it was a walker. He said that soon as i can stand up I could use this to walk.

Vad took it to my room so I could use it when I'm ready.

Leo then asked dada about work stuff.

Dal started playing with me as I was on the floor playing with toys. He told me about the sea and the different types of animals.

I don't know how they could live underwater tho. They need air. Tito said that air helps people live.

Dal is crazy.

We keep playing and it was so much.

1 week later...

I was playing in my room when I couldn't breathe all of a sudden.

T said that he made a help button on my floor.  I tried so hard to move and it was working. I gotten to the button and as soon as I hit it, I saw this weird color. Eli said it was black.

Tito's pov;

We were working in dads office. My watch started going off and it came from my baby's room. I ran out and to her room.

When I opened the door I saw her passed out on the floor.  2 feet from her toys.

I picked her up and took her to her crib. I put the oxygen mask on her.

I looked at her closely and it was clear that she was tired but she wouldn't nap earlier so it's probably it.

I don't know why she keeps skipping naps. She also hates sleeping without one of us with her.

I hate that she is still tortured by how the Germans treated her.

Dad then walked in.

"She couldn't breathe again?" I nod.

"I think she has asthma Tito. Ella had the same problem is a baby."

"I'll take her to get tested tomorrow. I have a friend who can test her for it."

"She has army crawled to the panic button dad. Sooner or later she will be crawling and sitting up."


"Hey baby."

"I wan dada."

"Then let's get him."

Tito picked up his baby and gave her to their father.

"Do you want to work with dada?" Dad asked her.

"Wes dada."

I grabbed her swing and toy computer and followed dad to his office.

We walked in and I set up her swing and  put her in. I hand her the computer.

"What is princess doing here?" Zio teased.

"I working wif dada."

"Can I work with you baby?" Zio asked her. She  nodded and zio sat down beside her and helped her.

Few hours later...

Author's pov;

The triplets gotten back from school and the gym and is now helping dad. Zio left to do some laundry and Leo went to cook some dinner.

Tito is working out with Andria. 

Well she is bench pressing 3 pound weights while laying on Tito's back. He is doing push ups.

As Aldo was walking by he saw his 2 kids working out and taken a picture. Andria looked like she was enjoying it and Tito was smiling at the fact that Andria loved working out with him.

"Kids, dinner will be done soon. Let's get you in the bath baby while T showers." Aldo said walking in and picking up Andria.

"Otay dada."

Aldo gives Ria a bath and gets her dressed in a sleeper.

"Babe, we all have to talk at dinner. Something happened to a very close friend of mine." Aldo told his baby.

"Otay dada."

At dinner...

Everyone was eating. Orsino was holding Ria while feeding her.

"Kids." Aldo said gaining attention.

"As you all know the Russian don was kidnapped. His son called me today. He said that his family was all going to Russia to leave the mafia. The second in command is currently taking over the business and tracking the don but, Adrian has been left in America alone. His family gave up on him. I have told him that he could stay with us until his father is found. Is that OK with y'all?"

All the boys were sad for Adrian. He was close to all of them. His father helped their father when their mother was killed and Ria was taken.

"We are 100% ok with ad coming. That boy can always count on us." Leo said.

"He will arrive tomorrow afternoon."

Fiorello's pov;

When I heard that Adrian was coming I was so happy. 

Me and Adrian are very close.  He helped me figure out that I was gay. He also was gay so we would sneak out to gay clubs together.

I have a crush on him. And I think he knows it. I call him every week. We just talked and laughed until both of us fell asleep.

He would often speak to me in Russian. I never understood it but I loved hearing him speak in his language. He also doesn't know Italian so I would speak to him in it often.

All of my brothers know that I have a crush on him. Dad knows it too.

I feel so bad for him. He has no one with him.

I soon fall asleep. Waiting to see him again. I missed him so much.

Aldo's pov;

After dinner I went back to the base. I had alot of paperwork to do.  It's now about 1 am and I have to wake up at 5 am.

I leave the base and go to the closest gas station.

I get Leo his favorite kind of flavored water. He hates regular water.

Enzio gets a spring water.

Tito likes his sweet tea.

Orsino likes skittles.

Dino loves chocolate.

Ella loves chocolate donuts.

I don't really know what to get Ria. I'll just get her a one of those bugs juice.

I pay for everything and go home.

Once I'm home I put my things in my room and then I go to each of my kids rooms and drop off their treat with a kiss on their heads. I saw Tito and Ria in his room and put both of their things in there. I also took a picture.

I soon finish and go to my room to change and go to bed.

Hope you like this chapter.

I thought that ella needed a crush added to the mix.

Andria is working out at 3 years old.


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