chapter 18

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Andrias pov;

After dinner dada told everyone to go to the living room. He then left to get sissy and addie.

I was in T's arms drinking my Baba.

We sat down in the living room and T put me on the floor. I had some toys in here and I played vet with blue while waiting for dada.

Soon dada came in with a sad addie and worried sissy. I got up after some struggles and walked to addie. It hurt to walk but T told me before that it will hurt since I'm not strong enough to hold my weight yet, whatever that means.

Addie was holding his arms out for me and I walked into them. He picked me up and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"You have just made me so happy baby. I love that you walked to me." Addie said to me.

"Addie sad. So I made addie cuppy cakes."

"After the meeting babe we will go in the kitchen and try one."

"Otay addie."

Addie put me on the floor near my toys and T legs.

Leo then picked me up.

"Hey babe, you did so good walking. Do you want anything at all?"

"I wan wat T has in his ears."

"Max did T's ears."

"I wan Mas."

"I'll call him over tomorrow baby." T said picking me up.


T held me in his arms and gave me my baba holding it up.

Dada started talking and I gotten tired. I closed my eyes and felt my mask being put on.

Aldo's pov;

When Ria was drinking her bottle I started talking.

"As you all know the triplets were attacked and Adrian's father has died.

We have also found out that it was the same people for both. Adrian your cousins have attacked us and killed your father. It's your choice on what we do." I explained.

"They ain't my cousins or family. You guys are. I say that we attack them."

"Then we will attack. Another thing is that Andria is now starting to walk so Tito will order the car. Keep the doors that Ria can't be in locked. Keep your doors open please or at least cracked. If she is scared and her brothers or sissy door is closed or locked she'll be terrified. Adrian we are switching you to the family bedroom hall. You are older then the triplets so you will move into the room beside Tito's that we always kept open for you."

When Adrian became my God son years ago I have always kept a room empty in the bedroom hall just in case.

"Adrian, I know this may be hard but we need to plan the funeral. It's your choice on what to do."

"Small gathering, nothing too big."

"The gathering will be Sunday. Leo get the arrangements made. Tito can you take Ella and Ria dress shopping?"

"I will tomorrow after max pierces rias ears."

"Ok kids get to bed. Tito put Ria in her room and I'll see how she acts."

All my kids said night and love yous and went to bed.

I went upstairs to my baby's room. I saw Tito laying her down in her crib.

"Babe I know that you want to sleep with me but you have to learn to sleep in your crib." Tito said softly.

"Nuh nuh T." Andria cried holding onto Tito.

I walked beside my son.

"Get to bed son. I'll take care of Ria." I said to him. He left the room after giving Ria to me.

"Dada, I no seep awone. Bad man take me."

"Are you scared of a bad man taking you away baby?"

"Wes dada."

"How about I move your crib to my room and you can sleep in your crib in my room?"

"Otay dada."

When Tito took her shopping he made sure that her crib had wheels so we can move it easily.

I set my baby in her crib and pushed it to my room. She was giggling when it was moving.

I put her crib at the end of my bed and told her a story.

In the middle of the story she was fast asleep. I got changed and ready for bed and put my phone on the charger and went to sleep.

Time skip...
A few weeks later;

I woke up all of a sudden to Andria screaming. I immediately got up and went to her room grabbing my gun. The kids were all awake now and standing by the doors. We all ran into the baby's room with guns out ready to shoot.

We noticed there was no one except Ria here. I put down my gun and went over to my baby. I took her mask off of her and picked her up she was very sweaty and didn't look good.

"Hey, my beautiful baby. Are you not feeling good?" I asked her softly.

She stopped crying and looked up at me.

"Dada wan T."

"Ok babygirl. Here is T." I told her softly giving her to Tito.

"Hi babe, how are you feeling?"

"Wia no feew good T."

"Well baby how about I give you some medicine and in the morning if you feel bad we'll call B."

"Otay T. Wanna sweep wif addie." Aiden walked to Tito and picked up Andria. His gun was behind his back in his pants so the baby wouldn't see it. She cuddled in his bare chest and traced the new tattoo he gotten. It's the people he keeps in his heart over his heart. 3 names are tattooed:

"Wat's dis tattoo addie?"

"Its 3 people who will always be in my heart. My dad, Ella, and you."

"Sissy an me is wight hewe. Not in youw heawt."

"Babe it means that I will always care and love you with all my heart."

"Otay addie."

Tito gave her some medicine and she was out like a light.

"Adrian, you can take off her sleeper and cover her up with you. Or you can leave her sleeper on and not cover her up." Tito explained.

"I'll take off her sleeper. She'll be laying on my chest anyway." Adrian said placing her on the changing table and gently took her sleeper off of her.

I noticed one of the scars bleeding and grabbed some tissues from the shelf and rushed to put it on there.

"Tito I saw one of her scars bleeding."

I showed Tito the scar and he cleaned it then put a bandage on it.

Hey guys.

Another chapter.

It was my birthday earlier this week and that means I've been writing on wattpad for over a year now.

I'm now 17. i started at 15.


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