Chapter 1- Junior Year

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Author Note: I wrote this story when I was 13 years old and it is written poorly, but somehow was a hit. I'm 20 years old now and decided that I am going to rewrite this entire book, and add more details and possibly change things up. Thanks for reading!

I was awaken by the sound of my phone ringing. I got a text from Veronica saying 'Hey Jazz, get up, you don't want to miss your first day of our junior year do you?'

'I'm up, don't worry I wouldn't miss it for the world.' I replied as soon as I got her text.

She replied in no time at all, maybe a fifth of a second 'Good, because I'm driving us to school today, so be ready!'

I didn't reply after that. I just got out of bed to get the clothes I had planned to wear like a month before school was going to start. I went to my bathroom and set my clothes on the side of the counter so I could brush my teeth. After I finish brushing my teeth and getting dressed, did my hair in curls, grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs for breakfast.

"What are we having?" I asked my mom as I sat down on the stool at the kitchens bar.

My mom looked up at me and said "Chocolate syrup pancakes, cheesy eggs, bacon, hash browns, and your favorite...cream of wheat." she said with a grin.

I looked at her with wide eyes. All the food she made sounded wonderful but, I feel so bad for this hungry people yet my mom cooks for an army, "Wow mom, are you trying to feed the whole world." I said looking at all the food in pots and pans, ready to be eaten. My mom giggled slightly and shook her head no.

"I smell chocolate syrup pancakes!" my little sister Avery said coming down the stairs.

"You're correct." My mom said as my sister sat next to me. Mom handed us our plates at the same time, "There you girls go, enjoy" she said with a smile plastered across her face. I just looked at my plate then at my mom with a raised eyebrow. "Is there something wrong?" she said with a frown on her face.

I looked at her and asked "Do normal families have this much food for breakfast? I'm asking because we're like millionaires and we never run out of food yet we eat so much."

"Billionaires, Jasmine, we're billionaires, get your facts straight, I'm 13 and even I know that." Avery said with a frustrated look on her face, because I always say the wrong word. I stuck my tough out at her and she did the same back. "What's next, you going to say were mermaids when where really Werepires?"

"SHUT UP, AVERY! Besides, moms a werewolf and dads a vampire, were the only Werepires, get your facts straight." I said mocking her words. I looked down at my food and said "I lost my appetite, thanks to this brat right here." I said to my mom as I point at Avery with my thumb as I walked away. As soon as I said that I heard a car horn coming from outside, and I instantly knew it was Veronica before I even looked out the window to check. "My ride's here anyways, got to go mom; love you." I said as I was walking towards the front door.

"Wait" my mom yelled. I turned around and she threw me my lunch. "Thanks mom." I said as I walked out the door putting my backpack on as I walked. I got into Veronica's new car and looked around, and asked with a raised eyebrow, "You got a Ferrari?"

"Yes, Mam, I did." She said happily.

I smiled at her and said "Nice, but don't call me mam, that makes me feel old and I'm only 17 , that's not good for me to feel that way." I said slightly smiling at her.

"Sorry, I don't want to be bitten by a vampire." She said teasingly.

"Werepire not a vampire, I may have vampire in my blood but I don't act like one, I don't bite. I eat normal human food thanks to the werewolf side of me." I said correcting her.

"So explain to me again how your parents got together, because the last time I checked werewolves and vampire are like sworn enemies." She said so sure of her twilight books.

"They are, it's just the minute they laid eyes on each other they fell in love, it was love at first sight. The way my mom described my dad he seemed to be the sweetest man, well vampire on earth. It's too bad he died before Avery was born." I said to her knowing I had a sad face showing.

After maybe 10 minutes we arrived to the high school we have been going to since freshman year 'Highland High School'. There had been a large sign as soon as we got there saying 'Welcome Students 2013-2014. Veronica parked her car and we got out to get inside the school and get our lockers and schedule for class. As we were walking I noticed no one different from last year, except of course the freshman. When we reached the office to get our lockers and schedules, mine and Veronica's lockers were right next to each other; our schedules were the same except when I had Art she had Drama Class.

We started walking and we ran into the schools most popular, idiot person there is, did I say popular, I'm sorry I meant to say 'the school's most popular bitch', McKayla Valehoe. I absolutely hate her, I've known her since 8th grade we started out friends but then she told me she didn't like me and that when the hatred started. We've hated each other ever since, luckily I've been friends with Veronica since 6th grade and she always had a way to calm me down and comfort me when I was down. "Well, look at what we have here, the all natural virgins of the school." McKayla said with a huge smile on her face.

"At least we don't rely on our boobs to get every guy we pass down the hall." I said smirking at her, and after I said that I heard Veronica chuckle slightly to herself.

"What did you just say to me?" She said all serious, but I knew she wasn't that serious because I know she knows it's true.

"Oops, I'm sorry did I say that out loud." I said to her with sarcasm, and then we left and passed her by to leave her to find some other manwhore that would find her attractive, which she really isn't under all that freaking makeup she wears.

Veronica and I walked to our first period class, Science with Ms. Seeders. As soon as I walked into the room I got a whiff of something or someone. It smelt like me, a mix of werewolf and vampire, but that was impossible me and my sister was the only werepires alive, or so I thought. I was just standing there taking the in aroma.

Veronica and I sat down and she must of saw my reaction because she ended up asking me "What's wrong you're acting like you saw a ghost or something."

"Someone in this room smells just like me."

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Uh, is that a good thing?"

"No, I don't mean smell as you humans can smell when a person stink; I mean someone in here smells like werepire like me."

"Hey, hey, just because I don't have super senses like you do, does not mean you can call me human, and you know that."

"I forgot, Gaud, mermaids can be so pushy sometimes. But seriously V, who can have the same scent as me I thought I was the only one." I said with a stricken face. She just shrugged at me and looked up at the teacher after the bell rung. I was looking around the room and found a boy I have never seen before in my life; everyone but him was familiar from last year. He looked up and saw me staring at him and we locked eyes.

His eyes were a dark blue green color, his hair was a dark brown almost black kind of color, and he had a muscular face structure. As I was looking at him I had a strange feeling within me, a pull towards him like I was meant to be near him at all times.

I turned my head back to the front as the teacher was doing roll call. She called my name and then right after she called on that boy I saw, his name was Bryant Kings. When he said 'here' I noticed he had a bit of a British accent, which was hot. As soon as I thought that, he chuckled under his breath, as if someone told him a funny joke, but no had even talked to him. I would have heard it due to my great hearing from the wolf in me.


Hi everyone this is my first story so please excuse any mistakes. If there are any mistakes pleas e notify me I will fix it.

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