Chapter 14- Nightmares

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 I was walking hand in hand with daddy at to the park around the corner from the house from the house without a care in the world. "Where here princess." daddy said letting go of my hand for me to go off and play with the other kids on the playground.

  I ran from him to the swings and jumped on to them. I was pumping my legs back and forth on the swing without a care in the world. When I was finally done swinging I jumped off and began to run after daddy. When I reached him I gave him a big bear hug as he picked me up. "I love you daddy." I said.

  "I love you too princess." he said hugging me back. Then he put me back on my feet and sniffed the air as if he smelt something. "Stay right here, ok princess." He said with concern in his eyes.

  I was confused why he would tell me to say there so I asked him why.

  "Just stay here, ok?" I finally gave in with a frown and nodded in agreement. He walked into the forest that was behind the park.

  I waited and waited and I just kept waiting until it was too long he was gone so I went in after him, "Daddy." I yelled for him, "Daddy." Where's daddy? I thought to myself.

  I kept on walking not even caring my brand new shoes where ruined by the mud, I was just worried about where daddy had gone.

  All of the sudden I hear talking coming from... well, I don't know where. I tried my best to follow the voices and I had finally found them after maybe 10 minuets. "You betrayed us, the kingdom, everyone, and you deserve to die." a man said, that kind of looked like daddy if daddy had blonde hair.

  "I found my mate, you can't say that it is wrong to love your mate even if she is a werewolf!" Daddy shouted back.

  The blonde man looked even angrier then he was then before, "I don't give a fuck if she's your mate or not, you betrayed us David, all of us." He said. Ohh... Blonde man said a BAD WORD! "And, I'm going to kill you for it!" He yelled lungeing for daddy.

  Daddy dodged his hit and hissed at him, "Your going to kill you own brother because I found my mate, Jason?" Did he just say brother, so blonde man is my uncle? Hmm... Uncle Jason dosn't seem very nice if you ask me.

  "No, brother I'm not going to kill you." he started, "I'm going to kill you and that liitle mate of yours!" He yelled.

  He ran at daddy again and ended up scratching his skin ripping his shirt, that causing him to screm out in pain. Why would anyone want to kill daddy. "DADDY!" I screamed.

  Uncle Jason stopped dead in his tracks to look over at me hiding behind a bush. He sniffed the air and his eyes went wide. He faced daddy again, "Did she just call you, daddy?" he asked.

  Daddy nodded still looking at me with fright in his eyes, "I told you to stay at the park." He said almost in a whisper.

  "You were gone too long." I said saddly.

  Daddy walked over to me slowly and whispered in my ear, "You need to run home to mommy, now." 

  I shook my head, "I'm not leaving without you." I said as a tear slipped my eye.

  "Awe, how sweet, nothing says 'I Love You' like a vampire saying goodbye to his mutt of a daughter for the last time." Uncle Jason said with a smirk.

  As soon as he said that daddy was mad, "Don't call my daughter that." he said standing back up from squating to speak to me.

  Uncle Jason smirked again, "What a mutt, no I think I'm good." He sad walking up to me and daddy he glanced at me and back up at daddy, "I can't believe you were stupid enough to acctually make a, a... that." He said pointing at me. Did he just call me a that.

  As soon as that came out of his mouth daddy attacked him. I have never seen daddy so angry before, "Don't you ever talk about my daughter like that ever."

  "Don't worry you won't have to hear it ever again." Uncle Jason said as he plunged his hand into daddy's chest pulling out his heart and cruching it with his bare hands. At that I screamed.

  "JASMINE, RUN NOW!" those where his last words before he took his last breath and died right before my very eyes.

  I was in too much shock to run and because I didn't run Jason grabbed me  by the hair dragging me to the lake in the forest. "If you're part werewolf that would mean you need air to breathe right?" I didn't answer which really made him mad, "Right?" he yelled.

  "YES!" I scremed with fright.

  "Good." and with that her plunged me under the water of the lake so I couldn't breathe. I was kicking and screaming under the water, trying to find my way up to the air. I stopped strugleing and gave into what was about to happen to me. I guess because I stopped he let go of me, he thought I was dead. His hands were still in the water to make sure and out of no where I felt my Canine teeth enlongated and at that I bit his wrist.

  I was fanally above water panting heavily. Uncle Jason was screaming in pain and managed to push me away. He went after me again but I ran. I ran through the trees and I reached the park I had left earlier. I ran from the park and ran all the way home.

  Once I reached home I opened the door and slammed it shut locking it. Mommy came into veiw looking at me in confusion. "Where is your father, and why are you so wet?" she asked.

  I took in a long breath and tears began to pour out of my eyes, "Daddy, daddy's dead because of a man, a really scary man. He tried to drown me!" I cried loudly and mommy had tears starting to form in her eyes too. She ran to me hugging me and rocking me whispering soothing words in my ears, "Daddy's dead." I cried.

  My eyes popped open and my mom was sitting next to me on my bed with worried eyes. I looked over at my clock and saw that it was 8 in the morning. "Are you alright sweety?" My mom said saddly.

  "Yeah, why?" I asked.

  She looked at me wih sad eyes, "You kept screaming 'Daddy, daddy.' and things like 'Daddy's dead.'" she said. All I could say was oh. "Bryant came for you a few minuets ago." she tried to change the subject.

  "Did he hear anything?" I aske worried. I don't want him thinking I'm insane.

  "All of it." she said, "He's down stairs if you want to go see him."

  I got out of bed and ran out my door down the stairs to find a sad looking Bryant. "Are you okay?" I ask.

  "The question is are you ok?" He asked.

  I forced a smile upon my face, "Yeah, just a bad dream."

  "You want to talk about it?"

  I shook my head no and did not push any further.


Hey my ninja babies, this is just a filler chapter on how her dad died. Hope you enjoyed.

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