Chapter 22- Once a Lie

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  We packed half of my stuff in boxes that my mom voluntarily gave to us. She must really hate me and want me out of her house. When we were done we headed back to Bryant’s house. We needed to ask his mother about the whole, prince of werewolves thingy.

  When we had finally arrived I carried the giant book McKayla gave us, inside with me. Bryant seems even more pissed then he already was. He was pissed that his mom has probably been lying to him all his life, “Mum!” he yelled angrily.

  Mrs. Kings ran in and wrapped her arms him, embracing him, “I thought you left me forever.” She whispered.

  Bryant pried her off of himself and took a deep breath before speaking, “I don’t have my things, and I didn’t come back for you.” He spat. Damn he must really be pissed.

  “Oh.” She said sadly turning her attention to the ground.

  “Bryant, stop being such an ass to your own mother.” I told him. I began rubbing his back and he seemed to calm down. Honestly I shouldn’t be talking, but my mom wants me out so I’m not apologizing to her.

  “We need to ask you something really important.” I spoke Bryant.

  She nodded and led us into the living room, where Mr. Kings was sitting. As soon as Bryant’s eyes landed on his father, he growled. His father hissed back at him in an instant flashing his fangs.

  “Calmez-vous!” Mrs. Kings yelled in what I believed.

(A/N: Yes I speak French so I will translate every time I use French words in my story… Translation: Calm yourselves!)

  Bryant growled again, “Dites-lui que!” Bryant yelled back in French.

(Translation: Tell him that!)

  “Ne parlez pas de votre pere comme ca!” His mom yelled.

(Translation: Do not talk about your father like that!)

  “Va re faire foutre!” he yelled back.

(Translation: Go to hell!)

  “Bryant!” his dad yelled, “Do not speak to your mother like that!”

  I’m lost; I don’t even know what they’re talking about. Erm, I got to start paying attention in French class. Wait, I’m in Spanish class, well that doesn’t help.

  “What did you want to talk about, anyways?” Mrs. Kings asked trying to be calm, cool and collected.

  “Am I a prince?” Bryant just came straight out with the point.

  “What?!” her eyes went wide.

  “Did I stutter?” he asked angrily through clenched teeth. His fists were in tight balls. Mrs. Kings looked down at her now folded hands. She mumbled something under breath that I couldn’t quite hear.

  “What was that, mother?” Bryant asked.

  “I would like to hear this also.” Mr. Kings said turning over to his wife. Wow, if Bryant is a prince, even his own dad didn’t know.

  “Yes, you are.” She mumbled again, but just enough for me to hear.

  Katira walked into the living room with a frown upon her face, “You lied to us?” she asked sadly. Then out came Anthony with the same expression. Oops, they were listening.

  “I did it to protect you!” she shouted.

  “How in the hell is lying to us so called ‘protecting’ us!” Anthony yelled.

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