Chapter 18- It's War

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  I'm ready. I'm ready to fight my uncle Jason. He is going to regret ever messing with my family. First he kills his own brother, and my father; now he kidnaps my sister! Seriously, this dude has some serious issues.

  Greif, greif is all I have been feeling for Jason, since the day he killed my father. Now, he's next, it's his turn to die, and I'll be the one to kill him; no doubt.

  We were all standing across the street from the old abandoned theater we were told to meet at. "You ready?" Bryant asked me.

  "Hell, yeah!" I yelled. "Let's open a can of whoop-ass!" I yelled walking towards the theater by myself. After a couple of seconds they all followed after me.

  When I reached the entrance doors, I burst through them. I ran into the nearest theater room, with everyone running behind me. Once we were all inside the doors slammed behind us. we turn around to two smirking vampires standing in front of the doors.

  Then out of the blue the spot light on the stage comes on. The light was shining on a beat up girl lying on the floor. She had brown hair clumped with blood. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, that beat up girl was Avery.

  "Avery!" I yelled trying to run to the stage, but something was keeping me from doing so. It was as if I ran into a force field.

  "It is, someone in this room has a forcefield power." Bryant said reading mine and someone elses mind.

  Out of no where, Jason came onto the stage, laughing his ass off as if heard the most funniest joke in the world, but it was an evil laugh., "I told you not to pull any stunts, and I'd let my precious niece go." He was refering to Avery. "But you didn't listen. I just wanted you and your mate., but it looks like you brought friends." He said looking back at our little army. "Now, your sister is going to pay for your mistake, Princess." He spat.

  He walked slowly over to Avery's unconsious body. 'Think fast, Jazz' I thought to myself. Then I knew exactly what to do. I levitated Avery off the ground. Jason just smirked. WHAT THE HELL!? "Jonas!" He yelled, and at that there was a knife at my throat.

  "Jasmine!" Bryant yelled. I turned my head slightly to see him. That's when I reaalized everyone had a knife at their throat held by some guy, except there was a girl who had Bryant. But this wasn't just any girl, it was McKayla, but she smells human.

  "What a plesent surprise, I get to watch my enemy die right before my eyes." She said with a smirk.

  "B-but, you're a human, I can smell it." I said.

  "Oh, but that's where you're wrong, Jazzy. You see I'm a Vampire and have the power to change my scent." She smirked. "There is one more thing you should know about me." she smirked.

  "What!" I grunted.

  Her smirk got wider, "I'm your daddy's baby sister."

  My eyes went wide in shock. McKayla is mt... aunt. Weird. Wrong, so wrong.

  Anger, Anger was all I was feeling right now, with slight freakout. That's when I remember I can control movements. I've never tried it on people, but now was a good timme to try. At that very thought, I controled all the knife holders to let go. They all had shocked faces.

  "Why can't we move our bodies?" one of the many guys said.

  I smirked and turned my attention back to Jason and my sister. He had the look of utter shock and horror etched upon his face. He didn't know I have two powers. His shocked face turnedinto a smirk.

  "You not only take after your father, but after me as well." He said.

  "What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

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