Chapter 11- My Secret

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  It's been 2 weeks since the little incident with Bryant's dad. His das got sentenced for just 3 months in prison. Honestly I think he should have got longer but hey it was the judge's choice; never questin authority. I'm just happy that Veronica and Katira are back on their feet, and better than ever.

  Bryant and I were at my house hanging out in my room in silence then I decided to break the silence, "I have something to show you." I told Bryant as I grabbed his hand and dragged him into my music room. His eyes got wide at the sight of all the instruments in this one room.

  "What are we doing in here?" he asked me still holding my hand.

  "I want to show you a secret I havn't even showed Veronica." I said as I smiled wide. I dragged him to a piano and sat him next to me. I set my hands on the piano thinking of what I should play; then it hit me, I wanted to play my favorite song by the Cinematic Orchestra. I decided I would sing the words to the song also, just to see what he would think. Then I began to play.

'There is a house built out of stone

Wooden floors, walls, and window sills...

Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust...

This is a place where I don't feel alone

This is a place where I feel at home...'

'Cause I built a home

For you

For me

Until it disappeared

From me

From you

And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust'

'Out in the garden where we planted the seeds

There is a tree as old as me.

Branches were sewn by the color of green

Ground has arose and passed it's knees...'

'By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top

I climbed the tree to see the world.

When the gust came around to blow me down

I held on as tightly as you held onto me

I held on as tightly as you held onto me...'

'Cause, I built a home

For you

For me

And, now it's time to leave and turn to dust...'

  I finished and looked over to Bryant who was smiling wide, "That was beautiful," he said as I blushed, "like you." I felt a smile creep on my face. We had gotten up off the seat when Bryant leaned in and kissed me.

  The kiss deepened as he traced his tounge on my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I gladly accepted. My hands ran through his dark brown hair while his hand was in th crease of my neck. Next thing I know I was against the wall; I felt my back arch into him. I heard him moan and I repeated after him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt myself wrap my legs around his waist. The kiss just kept getting deeper and deeper.

  "Oh my Gaud, GROSS!" We were interrupted by my annoying baby sister.

  I unwrapped my legs from Bryant's waist and yelled, "Avery, go away!"

  "Make me!" She yelled back.

  "Oh, I'll make you aright." I said. I thought to her Domo toy and closed my eyes to see where it was. I could see she threw it away, so I made it climb out of the garbage can through the doggy door in front of the house. (I still don't know why we still have that thing, our dog died 3 years ago.) I made it run up the stairs and to the music room and I made it talk, "Avery, I want to play with you." Domo said.

  Avery turned her head and her eyes got wide and she screamed, "I threw you away!" she shouted while she pointed a finger at Domo.

  "Pointing isn't nice." I made Domo say. Aver screamed and she ran to her room and I her door slam.

  I heard Bryant laugh behind me, "That w-wasn't very n-nice, but it was p-pretty funny." He said in between laughing.

  "I know. I should keep this Domo thing just to freak her out." I said as I picked up Domo. We walked backed to my room where I threw Domo under my bed, "There, I'll only use it when she feels like being a stubborn ass."

  "Now, where were we?" Bryant said as he wrapped his hands around my waist from behind, kissing my neck. The kisses on my neck were sending tingles down my spine.

  I turned around to him and continued where we left off. My legs were around his waist again, he grabbed my thigh making me moan. He put me on the bed and put himself on top of me and was kissing my neck. My hands trailed up his shirt and I pulled it off to see his glorious 8 pack; I flipped myself on top and I ran my hands down his abs.

  I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. Something inside me told me to stop from going any further and so I did, "I can't do this, not yet any ways."

  "Why?" was all he asked.

  "Well, for starters my little sister is in the house and I'm pretty sure she'd hear everything, and second I'm not ready yet."

  "Well if you're not ready then we can waait." He said, And we damn sure don't need your sister hearing anything." He said with a chuckle. I just laughed. We lied down next to each other in silence and he broke the silence this time, "You're a beautiful singer." He was referring to when I played the piano and sang for him.

  I smiled at him, "Thanks." I said kissing his chee. "Now put your shirt back on." I said laughing picking up his shirt off the floor and I threw it at him.

Hey my baby ninjas thnx for reading it means alot...and OVER 100 reads yay! BTW the song is called To Build a Home by the Cinematic Orchestra. :) get the song. Love ya my baby ninjas! <3 hope it's long enough.

Love, Jazzy.

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