Chapter 25- Game Over

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  Bryant, Anthony, Katira, and I found our way out of the underground dungeon. We were running in wolf form and we ran home to get the rest of our mini army we formed last time we went up against Jason. When we got home gave them a call, and only half of them were in Florida. Well, half is better than none, right?


  We were standing on the other side of the stream that separated us from the Vampire Kingdom we once left a day ago. Jason and his goons were standing on the other side staring back at us. Jason was smirking at us yet he also had the look of anger hidden underneath, “So I see you brought most of your little army again.” He said.

  “Yeah, and?” I asked in complete boredom.

  “You are all traitors in my eyes, so I shall execute you all.” Jason said a bit stubbornly, “Except you of course.” He looked over to me a smirked as his eyes roamed over my body. God help me. My uncle is a pervert.

  “Game on!” I yelled from across the stream at Jason. “Go!” I yelled to our group. At that our group charged to the other side of the stream. Like the wimp that Jason is he ran off at inhuman speed, nut slow enough for Bryant to see where he was going because he went straight after him.

  I was so caught up in watching Bryant run after Jason I didn’t notice the guy who came up behind me and put me in a head lock. He leaned into my ear and whispered, “Oh look the princess is weaker than people said she was.” I felt him smirk against my ear.

  “Think again.” I said grabbing onto the arm that was wrapped around my neck and caused my wolf to claw his arm. I could tell he was in pain after that but he wouldn’t let go. So I ended up digging my entire claws into his arm. At that he screamed like a girl while letting me go. Take that bastard!

  The guys arm was bleeding and he had the look of anger in his eyes when he looked at me, “You crazy bitch!”

  I smirked, “You should have never doubted me dumb ass.” I said with pride in myself for doing what I did.

   He lunged at me and I ducked so he would miss me. When he missed me and I was on the ground I did a round house kick making him topple over onto his face. He was groaning on the floor vulnerable as ever. While he was on the floor I flipped the guy over and did what I once saw Jason do my father right before my eyes; I plunge my hand into the heart and ripped it out. It felt disgusting it felt all slimy. Blah! GROSS! I might as well get used to this because I have more enemies coming my way. I did a round of punches and kicks in their faces and stomachs. I ripped out each of their hearts one by one, not liking the feeling of the blood in my hands.

  All of the sudden I heard a yell that came from the forest surrounding the kingdom. I knew it was Bryant. I darted towards were I heard him scream. The smell of blood wafts my nose; it was Bryant’s blood.

  I bolted behind a tree when I saw Jason hovering over Bryant on the floor who was covered in blood. Jason was just looking down at him with a smirk on his face. I panicked and covered my mouth from screaming, "You can come out now my dear, Jasmine." Jason said as if he was cooing to a baby. When I didn't come out he grabbed me from behind the tree and face me to a bloody but still alive Bryant, "Now we can watch as your poor mate dies slowly, together." he said. He had a strong grip on me so I wouldn't move. So I did the same thing I did to Samuel when he tried to kidnap me. I back kicked him in the balls and he let go of me.

  When Jason's hold was gone I ran to Bryant and I held his face in my hands. His breathing pace was fast and his heart was beating even faster, "Bryant, please get up." I cried. I felt a weird sensation travel trough my arms and to my hands that were holding Bryant's face.

  I was soon pulled away from Bryant and pined against the tree I was hiding behind earlier. My face was against the rough tree bark when I remembered what Jason told me a while back. I have his power and ability to cause him pain. Last time he had up a block this time he has his guard down. So I thought of the most agonizing pain there was. I felt him shake against me in pain but he wouldn't let. All of the sudden he was pulled off of me and thrown on the ground. Bryant was hovering over Jason this time. The weird thing was it looked like Bryant was never even in pain. His cuts and bruises were all gone.

  Could it be I was the one who healed him? Was that the weird feeling that went through my hands? I know it was, I just know it.

  The fight between Jason and Bryant went on for a couple of minuets before Bryant ripped Jason's head clean off.

  It's over. It's finally over.


  It's been a couple days since Bryant killed Jason and because Jason is dead, I am the next heir to the thrown. I already was but Jason didn't want anyone to know that. Vampires and werewolves are still enemies but there not as bad as they were. They are being nicer to each other but that's it. They won't unite fully until the prophecy is fulfilled to it's natural duties.

  Today is the day I am crowned queen of the Vampire kingdom. Of course 'm not going to stay in this kingdom and drop out of high school. No, I'm still going to live my normal teenage life while I can, well kind of normal life.

  I began walking out to the balcony in a huge ass dress I didn't want to wear, but my royal dressers refused to let me walk out in 'human' clothes. The huge balcony was were I am supposed to be crowned queen and I'm ready.


Hello my pretties!

Yah so, thank you guys for your patience! I love you all soooo much, but no this is not the end. There is going to be the epilogue after this tomorrow it WILL be posted! And thank you guys again for being so patient! Hope this chappy is long enough for you guys!

Love you my baby ninjas!


Mommy Ninja

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