Chapter 10- The Hospital

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*Jasmine’s POV*

   I’m still in my room laughing my head off when I get a call from Bryant around 10, “Hello?”

  “You need to go the Arlington Hospital” he said all panicked

  “What, why?”

  “My dad tried to kill Veronica and…”

  “Your dad tried to kill her!”

  “Yes, he tried to kill her, and I almost killed Katira.”

  “What, why the hell did you guys do that?”

  “My dad and I got in a fight again and I got angry and he got angry. Look, it’s a long story I’ll tell you when you get to the hospital.”

  “I’m on my way.” I hung up and ran out of my room and down the stairs to tell my mom, “Mom, I got to go the hospital.”

  “Why?” She asked with her eyebrows raised.

  “Because, Veronica is hurt and is in the hospital, along with Bryant’s sister, Katira.”

  “Well, that sounds awful, yeah you should go.”

  I nodded and walked to the key rack to get the key to my motorcycle. I road to the hospital on my motorcycle, and ran inside to get to Veronica and Katira.

  I walked up to the front desk to ask the lady where to go, “Where are Veronica Rodriguez and Katira Kings located?”

  She searched for it on her computer in front of her, “Second floor room D163.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” The lady said with a smile.

  I ran to the elevator and punched the up button; it felt like days before the elevator finally opened. I ran inside punching in the number 2. When the door opened for me to get out and I was still running until I found room D163.

  I walked in to the room were Veronica’s and Katira’s beds were across from each other. I looked over to Katira and looked down to kind Bryant holding her hand chanting ‘I’m sorry’ over and over.

  I walked over to them and tap on Bryant’s shoulder. He looked up and turned his head to me; his face was tear stained. He jumped up and hugged me; I gave in to the hug and hugged him back, “Bryant, she’ll be fine. You clearly didn’t mean to hurt her, and she knows that.”

  “I almost killed my own sister, and I would have done it if it wasn’t for my mom who stopped me.” He told me as he pulled away from me to look at his sister.

  I put a hand on his shoulder, “All that matters is that you didn’t, and she’s alive.”

  “If she stays alive,” He said angrily. “I bit her six times and she went unconscious; she didn’t even try to fight back.” He said as he looked back at me.

  I gave him a sad smile, and walked over to Veronica. Anthony had been sitting in a chair next to her hand. I walked up to her and saw a huge purple and blue bruise around her neck; then that’s when I figured out how Bryant’s dad tried to kill Veronica. He tried to choke her to death.

  Even though she was on a hospital bed and unconscious, she still looked as pretty as she always was. I have always been jealous of Veronica’s looks; she had light brown hair that she always wore down and it always reached just above her calves, her bangs just above her eyelids, she was always pimple free and never needed makeup; she had really pretty chocolate brown eyes that went well with her tan skin tone. She was thin yet she was curvy.

  We’ve been best friends since the day we met each other; we had a lot in common which is why we clicked. We both were tom boys, yet we were still girly, we had the same favorite color, black and blue; we would always come to each other for advice, whether it was about boys or what we had for homework. Veronica, she’s more than my best friend, she’s my sister. I don’t know what I would do if she was gone.

  Anthony snapped me out of my thoughts, “She might not wake up, until tomorrow.” Anthony told me with a sad tone in his voice.

  I looked up at him and gave him a sad smile then looked back down at Veronica, then back up at Anthony, “You found out?” I asked him.

  He nodded, “Yeah, I didn’t think my mate would be a mermaid but I guess I was wrong.” He said with a forced smile.

  I chuckled under my breath, “Well, you can never now can you?”

  We all spent the night in hospital chairs; Veronica still hasn’t woken up, but Katira was wide awake laughing with Bryant as they were watching the Cosby Show on the T.V. hanging on the wall, don’t ask me why they just were.

  I started watching the show with them for a while, only because I was bored and had nothing else to do. I actually kind of liked it; it was pretty funny aside the fact it was a show from like the 80’s. Anthony on the other hand just fell back asleep still holding Veronica’s hand.

  I heard a moan come from Veronica which meant she was finally waking up, “She’s getting up.” I said rushing to her side. Anthony’s eyes snapped open as soon as I had said that; he jumped out of his chair and was standing next to her.

  Veronica’s eyes flickered open and she looked around, “Where am I?”

  I was about to say it but Anthony had said it before I could get it out, “You’re in the hospital.” Her eyes got wide as she looked over at Anthony. “Do you remember anything that happened last night?”

  Veronica closed her eyes to think and her eyes popped back open, “I remember going to your house to apologize to your dad for being there without his permission, and when I rang the door bell your dad was the one to open the door,” She paused for a minute to collect her memory of what had happened last night, “Before I could speak he grabbed my arm and slammed the door behind me. He started to choke me, he was saying something to me but I didn’t catch it, I was too in shock. That’s pretty much it; I don’t remember anything further than that.” She said and then turned and smiled at Anthony, “But I do remember you calling me your mate.”

  Anthony smiled at her, boy blushing, who knew boys blush like girls, “Well, it’s the truth; you’re my mate.” He said, and then he kissed her on the forehead.

  She smiled at him then looked back at the rest of us, “Why aren’t you guys at school?” She asked with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

  “We didn’t want to miss you wake up; besides you wouldn’t want to be alone when you woke up would you?” I asked laughing.

   “I guess not.” She said with a smile.

  “I would have been here, what am I chopped liver?” Katira yelled. We all looked over to her smiling at her.

  “What happened to Katira?” Veronica asked nervously.

  Bryant looked down at his feet before he said anything, “I did it; I lost control of my wolf.”

  “Oh.” Was all she could say.

 Thnx 4 reading. Please comment, vote and maybe even fan. Notify me of any mistakes. Love ya my ninja babies. <3

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