Chapter 20- A Small World Full of Idiots

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  "What is he doing in here, he's supposed to be in prison for 3 months." Bryant said as he had taken a protective stance over me.

  "I bailed him out." Mrs. Kings said.

  "You bailed that-that monster out of jail?!" Bryant yelled.

  "Bryant Christopher Kings; he is your father-" She began but was cut off by Anthony.

  "Who tried to kill my girlfriend, no wait scratch that, my mate." Anthony added his input.

  "I bailed him out of prison; end of discussion, understood?" she yelled.

  "No!" Bryant yelled.

  "Excuse me, you do not talk to your mother like that!" Mr. Kings yelled.

  "Fuck you, dad!" Bryant yelled.

  "Bryant!" Mrs. Kings said in a warning time.

  "You too mum! You know what, I'm moving out." He yelled. Did I hear him correctly? Did he say he was moving out? He did, didn't he?

  "You are not leaving this house!" Both his mom and his dad yelled.

  "I'm 18, I can do what I want!" He yelled. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room. We finally reached his room and he let go of me, "Can you help me pack?" He asked as he took off his suit jacket and the white button up shirt.

  "Um, yeah sure." I replied a bit mesmerized by the sight of his abs. Then I looked up at his chest and I gasped at what I saw and I felt my eyes widen, "Is that my name tattooed on your chest?" I asked.

  He looked down at his chest and smirked, "Why yes, yes it is."

  "You tattooed my name on your chest?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

  He chuckled, "Yes, I did it because I'm in love with you." At that I smiled.

  "I'm in love with you too." I said with a big ass smile on my face.

  He smiled, "Then move in with me."

  My eyes went wide. Did he just ask me to move in with him? Well that wasn't expected, "As much as  I would love to do that, I can't." I started, "I'm not 18 like you, I'm only 17. I can't move out yet, and plus you don't have a place yet."

  "First you'r aloud to move out if you get an okay from your mum." He started, "And second I happened to be looking far an apartment before that little incident, for a while now; so if I call the landlord I got the apartment."

  "Really!" I yelled while smiling. He nodded and I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

  We finally pulled away and I spoke, "I have to ask my mom first, though." He nodded in agreement and we began packing his stuff.


  Bryant drove me home as soon as we finished packing his things. It turns out Bryant has been planning this for a while, so he was already half packed.

  We arrived at my house and we both went inside, "Mom, I need to-" I stop dead in my tracks when Bryant and I walked in on my mom and some dude hugging on the couch, "What the hell is going on!"


Sorry for the shortness! Hope you like it! Love you my baby ninjas.

300 for next chapter (I was being nice and gave u guys this free chappy)

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