Episode 10: Root Packed

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On a bright and sunny day at the teapot cottage, Elder Kettle is outside in his vegetable garden, taking care of his vegetable plants. There are tomatoes, pea pods, lettuce, and other vegetables. Elder Kettle also has a shovel with soil, and other needs for the plans.

Soon, Elder Kettle begins to sing.

Elder Kettle:

I love my little veggies

They're my babies, I would say

He then reaches into a bag of soil

Elder Kettle:

I sprinkle them with love and care

Then sprinkles them on his plants.

Elder Kettle:

Each and every day

I shine their little veggie skin

He then uses the cloth on a tomato and it gives it a shine to see his reflection.

Elder Kettle:

And chase away the bugs

Then flicks away a ladybug from another tomato.

Elder Kettle:

I give them water and manure

He places drops of water on the plants and sprinkles the manure on the soil.

Elder Kettle:

And lots and lots of hugs

Then he hugs the vegetable plants.

Elder Kettle:

Though you are just babies now

Merely bud and twig

He then lays in front of the plants and gently rubs them with his fingers.

Elder Kettle:

If I give you all you need

You'll grow to be so big!

Suddenly, Elder Kettle's back gives out on him in pain and screams, "Ow! My back!"

Then falls to the ground in pain.

Sometime later, Elder Kettle is now laying in bed, being watched by Cuphead, Mugman, and Red Rose. After finding him laying on the ground in bed, the three friends help carry Elder Kettle to get some rest.

Elder Kettle cries out in pain, Oh, my babies! I fed them. I nursed them. I kept them alive. Without me, they're doomed."

Red Rose then pats Elder Kettle on the head, "Don't worry Elder Kettle. We'll take care of your babies, while you get some rest."

Then Cuphead says, "Here. Let me fluff your pillow." and fluffs Elder Kettle's pillow.

Then Mugman asks, "Can I get you some soup?"

"Thank you, Red Rose," Elder Kettle says.

Then turns to the boys, "You two are being awfully helpful."

And gives them a sign of suspicion, "You're up to something. I've got my eye on- " and in no time at all, Elder Kettle has fallen asleep."

Elder Kettle is snoring as he lets small steam out from his spout, almost like a train.

Cuphead turns to the others, "Out like a light. Let's scram and catch that picture show."

With that, Cuphead and Mugman rush out of the room and down the stairs. Red Rose follows after them. Soon, Cuphead runs out, followed by Mugman, and Red Rose is last. Cuphead then leaves the gate, but Mugman stops, and Red Rose stops, and grabs Cuphead by his handle, making him fall to the ground.

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