Episode 36: The Devil's Pitchfork

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One early morning, in the Underworld, Henchman knocks on the door and says, "Duh, boss, wakey, wakey."

He opens the door and walks in with the Devil's breakfast and the newspaper on the dining cart. However, the Devil grunts and reminds under the covers as he tries to sleep.

Henchman frowns and says, "Aw, boss, you've been in here for days. Come on, get up. Look what a beautiful day it is."

He pulls the rope to open the curtains to reveal a Hellish sight. Souls screaming in lava and creatures are roaring. However, the Devil removes his eye mask to see the sight. Then covers it again, and hides under the covers.

"Uh, I know what'll cheer you up. Just listen to these headlines," Henchman says, and begins to read the paper, "'Invasive beetles devastate crops.' 'Meteor hurtling towards orphanage.'"

Then says in excitement, "Ooh, meteor!"

And continues reading, "'Four horses of the apocabalypse on the loose.'"

And happily says, "What a time to be the Devil, huh?"

However, the Devil groans weakly and brushes it off as he hides under the covers.

Then Henchman says, "Hey, there's a review. Of you!"

That finally gets the Devil out of bed and eagerly asks, "What's that? Ooh, gimme!" and swipes the paper from Henchman.

He then begins to read the paper, "'Once in a rare while, a figure commands our respect, summons our fear, and effortlessly tempts us into unhinged depravity.'

Then turns to Henchman, "Did you hear that, Henchman? Unhinged depravity!" and laughs.

He then continues reading, 'For millennia, it was clear without debate who that figure was.' That doesn't sound good, so he continues reading, 'After a recent string of humiliating setbacks, however, it has become blatantly apparent that the Devil is losing his touch'? 'A silly caricature of his once powerful self.' 'Time to pass the walking stick on to the next contender'?

This clearly makes them very upset and screams in a demonic voice, "It's a pitchfork!"

He then screams as he throws the paper in the air and burns it with his pitchfork.

The Devil continues to says bitterly, "Stupid critic," he lets out a whimper, and says, "What does he know?"

Henchman watches as the Devil lies on his head and curls himself up like a ball.

Then Henchman says to cheer him up, "Hey, you know what I would do if I was you?"

The Devil scoffs, trying to ignore him.

Henchman continues, I'd take my pitchfork and have some fun. Go to the surface, torment some souls, blow off some steam. I'm just saying. You are the Devil, after all."

The Devil takes this into thought and opens his eyes wide.

He sits up and says, "You know, Henchman, you're right. I am the Devil."

He grabs his pitchfork and stands up with confidence " I need to get out there and be the Devil I was born to be." He hops off the bed and says to Henchman, "Thank you, Henchman. I'm about to make a lot of people very miserable." The floats away with new found confidence.

Henchman happily says with tears of joy, "That's my boss."

Meanwhile on the surface in the cottage. Cuphad covers his eyes with excitement.

Cuphead asks, "Now can I look?"

"Not yet," Mugman answers.

Eagerly, Cuphead asks, "How about now?"

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