Episode 15: A Cup and Rose Night

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One night in the Red Rose is inside the guest room as she's writing in a book that she decides to use as a journal. Red Rose has been using a diary to write down her time on the island and her adventures with Cuphead and Mugman, and the situations they've been getting themselves into. Red Rose is sitting on her bed as she writes down her latest entry.

Red Rose says in thought as she writes, "Dear journal, life has been good at the Inkwell Isles, and I've been having a good time with the boys and Elder Kettle. Despite all the misadventures we have to go through, especially when the Devil has been trying to take my and Cuphead's souls. I feel bad that Cuphead lost his sweater that is used to protect him from the Devil, but I still manage to keep mine. However, I know that the Devil will try to take mine and Cuphead's souls, and will do whatever it takes to get them. I've been having a good time with the boys, but..."

Red Rose sadly sighs and continues to write, "But I still miss my father and the crew on his ship. I wish I knew where he was, or if he's even okay. I also wish I knew about my mother, maybe she can help me in my situation. Still, I know my father is still out there, and I hope to hear from him soon. From, Red Rose."

Red Rose lets out a sad sigh and puts the journal she has back inside the draw close to the bed. She then leaves the bed and walks to the window and opens it to see the stars and moon shining in the sky. She feels very sad and watches the stars twinkling in the night sky.

Moments later, Red Rose is dressed and wearing her invisibility sweater. She also has her bag and the photograph of herself and her father inside her bag. She then grabs the blanket from the bed, folds it, and leaves the room. She tip-toes across the hall and heads down the stairs.

As she sneaks down the stairs, Cuphead and Mugman, who are asleep in bed, wake up to the sound of footsteps heading down the stars. Cuphead soon wakes up and lets out a yawn.

Cuphead soon yawns and wonders, "Who could be up at this hour?"

Cuphead then leaves his bed and gently opens the door to the room. He slowly walks to the stairs to see Red Rose walking to the door and leaving the house. Then closes the door behind her.

Confused, Cuphead wonders, "Where's she going?"

Moments later, Cuphead changes to his clothes and quietly leaves the house to follow Red Rose, but in secret. Cuphead follows Red Rose as she walks down the path of the woods as he hides behind the tree. Red Rose hears something and turns around to see nothing. Red Rose shrugs her shoulders and continues to walk down the path. Cuphead continues to follow her.

Meanwhile, up ahead on the trail, the Devil is actually walking around at night. Since the incident at the Inkwell Pier, he decides to walk around the woods to clear his head. However, he also has one more obstacle to deal with.

"I need to find a way to get Red Rose to take off that sweater. I manage to get Cuphead's sweater, but I need to find a way to get her to take off her sweater," The Devil says to himself.

Then grits his teeth, "That girl is going to be difficult to get the sweater off of."

He rubs his chin and says, "I need to find a way to convince her."

Suddenly the Devil hears something and quickly hides behind some trees and bushes. Red Rose just walks by and down the path. Then, Cuphead sneaks into the trees and bushes to hide from Red Rose so he can follow her. Then Cuphead runs down the path as he continues to spy on Red Rose. The Devil tapes a peek out of his hiding place with a curious look.

"Hmm, I wonder what those two are doing?" The Devil says, confused.

He then evilly grins and says, "I think I'll follow them. I might have the chance to capture their souls."

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