Episode 55: The Lost Treasure of Teddie Beard

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On a bright hot day, Cuphead, Muguman, and Red Rose, are with Red Rose's father, Captain Storm Wilds as they make their way towards the beach a short distance away. They see the sandy beach and the bright blue ocean water with calm waves coming in and out on the beach.

Cuphead happily sighs, "This is a great day to go to the beach."

"You said it," Mugman says.

Red Rose turns to her dad, "Thank you for taking us to the beach dad."

"It's no trouble. I'm glad to be able to take you all to the beach to have some fun, and to take you all fishing later," Storm says.

"Yeah! I can't wait to go fishing!" Cuphead happily says.

"And do a little sailing," Mugman says.

He sighs and says, "I kind of wish Chalice could come with it."

"Well, Chalice said that she already had plans to do things today so she said to tell her how things go," Red Rose says.

"Yeah. It's too bad, but I'm sure Chalice will have fun with whatever she's doing," Cuphead says.

He soon looks ahead and says, "There it is."

Soon enough arrives at the beach. Luckily, there doesn't seem to be many people on the beach so there are a lot of spots to choose from.

"Alright, wide open space," Cuphead says.

"All we need to do is pick a spot and we can go have some fun. We just need to make sure it's not too far back toward the woods, or too close to the water," Mugman says.

Red Rose soon points to a head, "How about that spot?"

The group looks ahead to notice a clear soft, sandy spot, and there is a wooden shack close by that seems like a food stand.

"Good spot. We can have our stuff there," Mugman says.

"And we can grab some lunch while we're adding it," Cuphead says.

Soon enough, everyone arrives at the spot and places their beach towns, umbrella, and all their stuff down on the sand. After that, the group are in the changing rooms changing their clothes into their swimsuits. Once they're done, everyone steps out and is ready to play.

Cuphead says, "Last one to the water is a sea barnacle!"

And Cuphead runs towards the water.

"You're on Cuphead," Red Rose says and runs after him.

Mugman soon follows, "Wait, I don't want to see the sea barnacle!"

Storm chuckles and calls out, "Remember to not get too deep in the water or get too far from our spot."

"We won't dad!" Red Rose calls out.

Soon, Cuphead, Mugman, and Red Rose run into the water and begin to play in it. Red Rose happens to be wearing a divers mask and snorkel. She is also holding a bag over her shoulder.

Red Rose turns to the boys, "I'm going to swim under the water. You guys wanna come."

"No thanks. Mugman and I are going to splash in the water," Cuphead says.

He smirks and says, "Take that." and splashes Mugman.

"Oh yeah," Mugman says and splashes Cuphead.

Soon, the two boys begin splashing at one another as they laugh with smiles on their faces.

Red Rose giggles, "Oh you boys."

Red Rose puts her goggles over her eyes and the snorkel in her mouth. Red Rose then dives into the water and begins to swim around to see the ocean floor, full of different fishes, sea shells, sea plants, and all kinds of sea life. Red Rose loves the ocean so much that it feels like she can swim in it.

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