Episode 28: The Precious Package

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Sometime ago, somewhere across the sea, at the town Captain Storm and his crew are staying. The ship is almost done being built so it can set sail again. At the house he's been staying in, Captain Storm is writing a letter using an inkwell and a quill feather. Captain Storm is writing a letter that has 'Dear Red Rose,' on it. He continues to write the letter and concludes it to. 'Your father, Captain Storm Wilds.'

After that, Captain Storm folds the letter, places it in an envelope, and places it inside of a large box that has some small boxes and other shapes, wrapped up presents inside. He then closes up the box and tapes it.

Captain Storm picks up the box and says, "There we go. I sure hope this reaches you, Red Rose. On the Inkwell Isles."

Captain Storm then walks outside and brings it to the post office. Soon, the package is checked out and is going to be delivered.

Storm smiles and says, "Hope this package reaches you, and hope you are doing fine wherever you are."

Time has passed Sugarland, Baroness Von Bon Bon and Red Rose are in their candy castle. They both are checking over the people who have been trapped in Sugarland, but able to be free. Some of them decide to return home or to go traveling. Others have made Sugarland their home and still live there, and decide to explore the isle. Some also decide to simply visit and live outside of Sugarland, but still visit every once in a while.

"It seems that everyone is doing well in Sugarland," Red Rose says.

"I agree. And everyone is happy that they're able to leave and go out into the world. So am I. However, it's been long since I've been out of Sugarland so I don't really know about getting acquainted with the people of Inkwell Isle again," Bon Bon says.

"I understand. It's been a long time since I've stayed in one place for as long as I have," Red Rose says.

"Guess while sailing with your father you don't stay on land for too long," Bon Bon replies.

"Not much, but hey, I love exploring on the high seas and having adventures to new places," Red Rose says.

Then hugs Bon Bon, "But it's also good being able to spend some time with you."

"Me too my little rosy cakes," Bon Bon happily says, and hugs Red Rose back.

Suddenly, they hear Cuphead's voice, "Hey Red Rose."

The two let go of their embrace and turn to see Cuphead and Mugman walking over to them. Mugman is pulling a wagon that has a pot with a lid on it, a jar, and a basket.

"Hello Baroness," Mugman says.

"Hi Cuphead. Hi Mugman. It's great to see you guys," Red Rose says.

"You too," Cuphead says.

"It's too see you boys again. What brings you to Sugarland?" Bon Bon asks.

"We're here for a friendly visit and want to know if we can hang out with Red Rose," Cuphead says.

Then Mugman says as he presents the wagon, "And we also got you a few things."

"Elder Kettle made his famous baby stew, and we helped make some blueberry muffins. We also got some strawberry jam for you," Mugman says.

"Aww, how thoughtful of you. I can't wait to try it," Bon Bon says.

Then Cuphead turns to Red Rose, "So Rose, think we can hang out with. We like to see what you guys do with the place."

"Sure. I know it's been over a week since we last you guys were here," Red Rose says.

"Indeed. A lot have either made themselves more settled in Sugarland or decide to live outside and come to visit. And we're doing our best to have more interaction with the outside world," Bon Bon explains.

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