Episode 17: In Charm's Way

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In the cottage, Cuphead opens the door to one of the cabinets and sees that it's empty.

"It's not in here," Cuphead says.

"He moved it again," Mugman says.

Cuphead then opens the fridge, "Nope. Not here.

Then Mugman looks under the couch, "Not under here either."

In his bedroom, Elder Kettle is fast asleep and is snoring pretty loud. Just then, the door opens, letting in some light, making Elder Kettle turn his head. The door is opened by Cuphead and Mugman, taking a peek inside.

Cuphead gasps and looks up, "Bingo!"

What Cuphead sees is a jar of cookies that is on the top shelf. He looks down to see Elder Kettle is sleeping under the shelf. The boys tip-toe to Elder Kettle's bed, and Cuphead points his finger up for a boost. Mugman helps Cuphead get on to the furniture, but steps on Elder Kettle's glasses by mistake, which is not a good sign.

After the little fiasco, the boys are now in the living room and show Red Rose what happened. The glasses' lenses are full of cracks.

"Aw, jeez," Mugman says.

Red Rose asks, "So let's see if I got this straight, you two were trying to get the cookie jar from Elder Kettle's room, but Cuphead stepped on his glasses and broke them?"

"Yes. That sounds about right," Mugman says.

Then Cuphead says, "We gotta get these fixed before Elder Kettle wakes up."

Suddenly, they hear Elder Kettle groan, making him wake up.

Red Rose whispers, "It's Elder Kettle."

The boys gasp, panic, and end up ramming into each other. Red Rose grabs them by the handles and drags them away.

Kettle calls out, "Kids, have you seen my glasses?"

And ends up bumping into something, "Oof!"

Then Kettle walks into the entryway of the living room, "No, no, Kettle. You lost 'em somewhere. Just like you..." and bumps into the wall, "Oof!"

"...always do." Kettle adds, and straightens out his spout nose.

He walks over to the sofa to see the kids, "Oh! There you are."

Because his eyes are blurry, he sees Cuphead, Mugman, and Red Rose sitting on the couch.

Kettle says, "Okay, kids. Listen. Stay put. I'll find 'em. Last thing I need is you kids stepping on 'em. Got it?"

What he thinks are the kids are actually three buckets, each of them sitting on a sack of flour.

Kettle smiles with a sniffle and says, "Wow. You're actually listening for once. Thank you, boys."

Kettle then walks away to find his glasses and ends up bumping into something else, "Ow!"

Meanwhile, Cuphead, Mugman, and Red Rose are able to reach the eyeglasses shop. They meet up with the clerk, who is a female flathead screwdriver wearing glasses herself and has a yellow shirt.

"Let me get this straight. You mean to tell me your two friends couldn't get a cookie jar from a sleeping old man?" The clerk questions, looking at the glasses.

Then it ends up breaking in half.

Red Rose says, "Um yes, that sounds about right.

"Look, lady, can you fix 'em or not?" Cuphead asks with an annoyed tone.

"Of course. But I don't like your tone. Hmph!" The clerk sternly says.

She then turns away and hops to a large magnifying glass to fix the glasses. Cuphad blows raspberry as he wiggles his fingers at her. Suddenly, loud music appears out of nowhere.

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