Episode 54: Mis-Adventures in the Forest Part 2

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Somewhere underground, Mugman and Chalice continue to slide down an underground tunnel they have fallen in. They end up making sharp left and right turns, bumping into the walls. And finally, they end up in a straight drop down the tunnel until they reach the exit. And soon, there is a loud splash, revealing that Mugman and Chalice have fallen into some water. Soon enough, Chalice flies out in her ghost form.

Chalice looks around, "Mugman! Mugman, are you alright?!"

Just then, Mugman rises from the water and takes a deep breath.

He sighs in relief, "That was too close. For a second, I wasn't sure if I was able to swim back up."

"I'm glad you're alright, Mugman. Here, let' me help you out of there," Chalice says and reaches her hand out to him.

Mugman then takes Chalice's hand and Chalice pulls him out of the water.

"Thanks, Chalice," Mugman says.

"No problem," Chalice says. "Let's get you to dry land."

Chalice then carries Mugman out of the water and soon reaches dry land. Then gently place Mugman on solid ground, but Mugman is wet all over. Chalice then changes back to her living form and lands on the ground next to Mugman.

"That was scary back there," Mugman says.

"I know. I didn't expect to find a hole in the middle of the forest," Chalice says.

Mugman looks up, "I'm not sure if it's a good idea for us to go back up. After hitting my head multiple times on the way down," And rubs his head.

"Yeah," Chalice says, rubbing her head, "I feel like my Chalice head is having cracks."

Mugman and Chalice look around to find themselves in some dark and cold cavern where there doesn't seem to be any light. They soon notice a few tunnels behind them, and see a large lake in front of them.

"Well it looks like we're in quite a pickle here, Mugman," Chalice says.

"Um yeah. We're trapped in a cave and not sure how to find our way out. Meanwhile, Cuphead and Red Rose might have run into the Devil by now," Mugman says.

"Um yeah," Chalice says, getting nervous and concerned.

She then asks, "What are we going to do? I know I can phase through walls and such, but not sure what we can do about you."

"That's alright, Chalice. The best we can do is to go down one of the tunnels and see if any of them can lead to a way out," Mugman says.

"But how do we mark down the directions we've already been? We don't want to get lost," Chalice says.

Mugman thinks of it and says, "I know. I think I still have some marbles in my pocket." and reaches into his pocket.

Soon, he's able to pull a small bag of marbles, "There we go."

Mugman then takes one out and places it on the ground next to the tunnel on the far left.

"We'll go down this way first," Mugman says.

"Wow. That's a mighty fine idea, Mugman," Chalice says.

She then blushes, "You're pretty smart."

Mugman blushes, "Thank you."

Mugman shakes his head and says, "Come on, let's go."

"Right," Chalice replies.

With that, Mugman and Chalice go down one of the tunnels to find a way to help, and possibly find Cuphead and Red Rose.

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