Episode 22: A High Seas Adventure! Part 2

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Time has passed, and Cuphead, Mugman, along with the statue of Brineybeard and his parrot are on the shore of the creepy cove. Mugman lifts his head and spits out the sand in his mouth. He opens his eyes and sand falls out. Mugman opens his eyes wide in shock, and shakes Cuphead to wake him up. Cuphead opens his eyes and looks around to see they're trapped on the cove. They both reach Brineybeard and turn him over to see he's been turned to stone, all that remains is the present. They both scream in fright to see what has become of the captain

Cuphead panics, "Okay, high seas adventure over, let's get outta here!"

"Agreed!" Mugman panics.

They both then dash off, but soon, Mufman stops and looks back at Brineybard. Then grabs Cuphead by the handle, pulls him back, and places his brother down.

"Hey!" Cuphead cries out.

"We can't just leave, Cuphead," Mugman says, and struggles as he picks up the statue.

Once the statue is standing, Cuphead, "We promised Briney we'd help him."

"So your plan is what? Convince a dreaded sea beast that a big rock loves her? You're crazy!" Cuphead says.

Mugman walks away and comes back with some rope as he says, "Maybe, but I made a promise, and I'm gonna deliver these sweets."

But Cuphead angrily says, "You go in there, and you'll never see Elder Kettle or the cottage ever again."

"We're never gonna see Kettle or the cottage again anyway," Mufman says, and ties the rope around Brineybeard.

"Well, you're on your own, buddy," Cuphead says.

"What else is new?" Mugman says, and places the rope around the statue, "And in case you forgot, that sea beast is holding Red Rose prisoner. So maybe if we give her the sweets she might give Red Rose back."

Mugman then begins to pull the rope with all his might, but the statue is too heavy for him to move. Cuphead watches as his brother's method is futile.

Cuphead sighs and walks to Mugman, "Fine, I'll help, but only to get Red Rose back.

"Okay! You get the head, and I'll get the legs," Mugman happily says.

With that, they both begin to carry the Brineybeard statue towards the cave.

Mugman says in concern, "I hope Red Rose is okay."

"Red Rose is a strong girl. She won't let that sea monster take her down so easily," Cuphead says.

He then nervously gulps, "I hope."

Meanwhile, somewhere in the cove, there are different mirrors placed on a shelf on the wall, multiple skulls on the ground in a pile, along with a few parts from a shipwreck. With that, Cala Maria rises to the surface, still in a monstrous form. Red Rose, who has been holding her breath underwater, resurfaces and heavily breaths and gasps for air. Then Cala Maria places her down on one of the stone ledges. Red Rose looks up to see Cala Maria firmly staring down at her.

Cala Maria calmly says, "Now then..."

Red Rose quickly stands up and slowly steps back in fear. Then she falls back on her bottom after she trips on a rock.

Suddenly, Cala Maria says with a gentle and yet kind voice, "Do not worry, I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe now."

"So then, you're... you're not vicious, dreaded, and mean, like you were acting?" Red Rose asks.

Cala Maria chuckles and says, "Oh don't get me wrong, I'm still the number 1 dreaded sea beast in the world. I've sunk many ships and turned many pirates into stone, and also eaten them, but I also have a soft side."

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