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Zoe's POV

Days like this. I hate days like this. Natasha didn't come to school and well it felt so boring without her.

As I look at the clock which reads 2:43 pm all I could think about was going home. The teachers voice had become nothing but a murmur and well the students faces was a blur.

I look at the clock again which reads 2:51pm. I slouch in my chair crossing my arms and look around the classroom to see kids mindlessly staring at the teacher. She was talking about the anatomy of a dog or cat I think. I don't really care. And finally I look at the clock and it reads 3:00pm. This is the best thing about days like this. When school is finally over. I sit up and start packing my bag , all the students following suit. The teacher is rambling on and well I'm already out the door.

The sun hits me. Hard. The summer heat already engulfs me and as I walk home beads of sweat drip on my face. I put in my headphones listening to music. An idea crosses my head. Natasha has a pool. And I'm very hot. I had already told my mum that I would go to Natashas after school so I didn't worry about telling her.

Me and Natasha have been friends for 7 years. I'm now 18. We met at school when I was the new girl. Of course I had always been the quiet one and she was out spoken. She always knew what to say when I was sad and since then on we've been inseparable. I reach my destination looking over Natashas house. It was a white modern house that had a lot of glass windows. Natashas mom is a therapist and her dads a doctor which is why they can afford such an awesome house.

I walk up to the door looking down at the welcome mat. I raise my hand ready to knock but I just turned the knob since Natasha told me I could.

The smell of apple febreeze hits me and so does the cold air. As I'm going to Natashas room which is at the end of the hallway up some stairs. I hear someone talking on the phone. I stop to hear Natashas mom Daisy on the phone. She sounds furious.

"How could you do this to me? We have a child. I loved you!"

I overhear her on the phone. She turns around to look at me and in an awkward way I smiled at her not knowing what else to do.

"H-hi Ms. Daisy. I didn't mean to overhear you. Natasha said I could come over."

She smiles but I can she that she forces it. The eyes that held so much light were dim and tired and her red wavy hair was messy.

"It's fine Zoe. She's up in her room."

I nod and turn around walking up the stairs wondering what that was about. Natasha lays on her side with her back facing me and I hear sniffing. I knock on her door to let her know I was there. She turns around to look and me an burst out in tears. Her already red eyes swelling up with water again. I run to her dropping my bag and phone on the floor not caring that it may be broken. My friend she looked like she was broken. And the next words that come out of her mouth makes that's statement true.

"H-he cheated on her. My dad." Hiccup "he cheated on my mum".

I sit there wide eyed. Not knowing what to say. I didn't really know my dad. He left my mum with me when I was just a baby.

"And with his coworker. My mum just found out because the woman didn't know that he was married and well she slept with him. He's such and asshole."

I tap her back and listen as she talks. That was the only thing I could do. But I felt a tiny twitch in my heart. And I hated it. It was because Ms. Daisy might not have a husband anymore.

Trying something new. I don't know how this is gonna progress lol.

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