You're important

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Tasha told me about the dinner as soon as she came back upstairs.

"Mom wants to have dinner with my shitty dad next week and I want you to be there. It's going to be so awkward with out you."

I furrow my eyebrows. That did not sound like a good idea. It would be even more awkward if I were there cause you know... me and Daisy did have a few moments.

"I don't know Tasha..."

My voice falters at the end.

"Seems like it's a pretty important dinner."

Tasha shrugs her shoulders.

"Yea. And you are important."

Tasha beams at me hopefully. Maybe I should go. It would be nice to make Daisy the uncomfortable person for once.

"Ok sure."

I say in acceptance.

My mind was elsewhere though. This morning I received a text from an unknown number claiming to be Chris Roberts.

My dad.

I didn't know what to do when I received the text. Should I have responded? Should I have blocked the number? I've had this nagging feeling the whole day to just respond and see what he wanted. I wanted to ask him why he left.

"My dad texted me."

I say loudly to Tosh.

Her head snapped from her phone and she looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What? When? What did you say?"

I scratch at my head.

"What?! Don't tell me you didn't say anything?"

"He texted me today and I just didn't know what to say. He asked me how I was and he wanted to meet up."

"You've wanted to meet him for a while now Zoe. I say respond and find out what happened exactly."

I sigh and tap the unknown number. My head races. I remembered all the stories my mother told me about him. She told me he left when I was just a baby. That he was an abusive, manipulative man.

I should know better then to trust her. After all- she did practically disown me.

"Hello Chis. Where do you want to meet?"

"Is that too formal?"

I ask Tosh.

"It's fine. Send it."

I take a second to ponder and let my finger linger on top of send.

Fuck it. I say as I tap send.

Now we wait.

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