I trust you

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"We're here!" I say as I stop the car in an empty parking lot. Ms Daisy gets out and I go to the trunk of the car to see if we have a blanket back there. I find one and we carry the food too.

The beach is dark only being illuminated by the moon that was full and beautiful tonight. The cold sand brushed against my toes and I could feel the breeze against my skin. I loved the beach. I lay the blanket on the sand and put the food on it and Ms Daisy sits down.

"This is nice." She says as she stuffs her face with sushi.

"It is. I love the beach. It's so beautiful. Especially in the night."

I cross my legs looking into the ocean. We sit there in silence eating and looking into the sky that was sprinkled with these tiny twinkling stars.

"I saw Mark today."

I sit there not knowing what to say.

"He told me that I was making a mistake. And I'm just tired. I'm so tired Zoe."

She sighs and looks down playing with a string on her dress.

"Do you feel like you're making a mistake?"

She shakes her head. "No. But what if I am?"

I hold her hands in mine. "I trust you. And I know that you're not making a mistake. Mark made a mistake. He's the terrible person. And he's the cheater."

She puts her other hand on top of mine. "You always know what to say. And you always know what to do to make me feel better. This was such a good idea."

"Yea. I just- you're always here for me and I want to be here for you too."

She leans in to me. "How did you know you were a lesbian?"

I gulp. "I just always thought about kissing girls when I kissed guys." I lean in some more.

"Can I kiss you?" She asks. I can feel her breath on my face and smell the vodka wafting off of her.

"Yes." And finally we kiss and it felt like the world stopped. Just for us. Just for a girl and her moms best friend. And I wanted it to stay that way.

We held on to each other like we never wanted to let go. Her hands traveled to my breast pulling the straps down and putting her warm fingers onto my breast kneading them like dough. She moans into my mouth and it's the hottest thing my ears have ever heard. I push her away.

"Wait, wait. You're drunk Ms Daisy."

She says "I'm a grown woman ok. I want this. I want you."

Those have always been the words I've wanted to hear from her. But not whiles she was drunk. Not while she wouldn't remember this.

"I know. I just, I want you to remember this and I don't want it to just be a mistake tomorrow."

She sighs "Okay. And just so you know I love it when you call me Ms Daisy. It's hot." She winks at me.

I smirk "Ok Ms Daisy."

Authors note:
They finally kissed ahhhhh

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