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Of course after a night of drinking and getting drunk I wake up with a pounding headache. Like I said I knew I would have regretted this in the morning. I turn around to the blazing alarm clock letting out a yawn. It reads 8:00am. Me and Tosh have to be at school at 8:45am so I turn around towards her sleeping frame and shake her.

"Tosh. Wake up. You're gonna be late."

I hear her groan.

"Five more minutes." She says in her groggily voice. I set the alarm on snooze and go to the bathroom to freshen up and when I get out Tosh is still sleeping.

"Tosh it's been way more then 5 minutes. Get up!"

I throw a pillow at her to which she finally gets up and says

"Ok. Ok, I'm up. Geez."

I finish getting ready and Tosh is still in the bathroom. I most definitely was gonna be late and Tosh is my ride. I walk downstairs and sit at the Kitchen island eating some cereal.

Ms Daisy comes out of her room looking professional. She was wearing a white pant suit. And honestly she was the only person I've seen pull it off. She just made everything look good.

She turns around to look at me and I don't say a thing. I just stare at her.

"Morning Zoe."

I put my spoon down giving her a swift


Yes I was and still am mad at her

"Tosh is still getting ready?"

She asks me. And I nod.

"You know it."

She looks down at her car keys and back up at me clearly contemplating. The last time I was in her car the night ended with her kissing me.

"You want a ride?" She asks.

I get up from the stool picking up my bag. Why not? It's clear Tosh wasn't going to be finished anytime soon.


I pick up the bowl and rinse it out before yelling up to Tasha

"Tosh I'm leaving with your mum."

I hear her scrambling about and she shouts.

"Kk. See you at school then."

I walk out the door with Ms Daisy following behind me.

We get to her car and I hear a click. Should I sit in the front seat? I put my bag down in the front seat sitting down while she opens her door and sits down.

The air feels thick. Like I'm about to suffocate for some odd reason. I put on my seat belt and Daisy starts driving me to school. I try my hardest not to look at her.


I turn around when she calls me.

"You're mad at me."

I turn back around to the window not saying anything. Of course I was still angry with her.

"I totally get why but this could never work out."

I turn back around to look at her. Her eyes are on the road and her fingers are gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"And why is that? You're afraid? ok. I'm afraid too. But I didn't kiss you. So I don't know why you thought it would be ok to hurt me like that."

She stays quiet biting her bottom lip like she was trying to think of something to say. But I don't allow her cause we're in front of the school now. I don't waste a second getting out and shutting the door behind me.

"Thanks." I grumble out.

"Zoe- wait."

But I don't wait. I walk away and walk into first period.


Tosh came to school a few minutes later. And we're now eating lunch in the cafeteria.


Tosh says to an out of it me. I spin my fork around in some spaghetti sighing  loudly and not feeling like eating it.

I turn to Tosha.

"I'm supposed to be asking you to spill."

I say in response. She feigns hurt putting her hand to her chest.

"What we're you doing with James that night?"

She shrugs her shoulders.

"I wasn't doing anything." She pauses. "No um he was there when you asked so he offered me a ride." She pauses again. "What do you think is going on?"

I smirk raising my eyebrow.

"Oh nothing."

I pick up my fork taking a bite of some spaghetti.

"Just so you know- he's the same age as your mom."

She shudders.


Authors note: how we feeling about this?

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