Saturday mornings.

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I woke up at 6:00am and I had a raging headache. I mean what did I expect?  I stayed up all night talking to my friends mom. The only thing I regret is this raging headache but I don't regret talking to her at all. It was nice having that quiet moment with her.

I had to basically force Natasha out of bed. She was still really upset over the whole ordeal. But who wouldn't be. The man you've looked up to since forever cheated on your mom. The woman you love most in the world. Pretty fucked up.

I had a wardrobe made just for me at Natashas. I'm over here like a lot. We get ready upstairs. I decide to let my brown short hair fall down to my neck and I wore blue jeans with a black button up. Very simple.

Me and Natasha go downstairs and are immediately hit by the smell of delicious food. Me and Tasha look at each other and smile. We know this is a rare occurrence. Ms. Daisy never cooks but when she does it always amazing. We rush downstairs to get there first and Ms. Daisy seeing me and Tasha running around smiles and shakes her head side to side.

"Girls slow down." She says light heartedly. She stands over a pot stirring something on the stove. The table in the living room is already packed with bacon, eggs, waffles and blue with strawberries in a bowl. Ms. Daisy turns off the stove and walks over to sit at the table with me and Tasha.

"What are you waiting for. Dig in!" She gestures towards the food to which me an Tasha scarf it down.

"Remember when me, And your father and you would do this every Saturday morning Tasha?"

Tasha stops eating, putting her for down. "I do. But he's not here. Can we not talk about him?"

Ms. Daisy nods. "Of course. I'm sorry."

We eat in silence after that awkward encounter and when me and Tasha are done Tasha goes upstairs to get her backpack. When I'm sure Tasha can't hear us I say something to Ms. Daisy.

"Thanks for the food. It was really good."

She shrugs her shoulders the encounter clearly making her uncomfortable. "Yea it was no problem. Thanks for being here Zoe."

"It's no problem." I repeat the same words to her. Tasha comes downstairs and we go to leave. As I'm about to close the door I see Ms.Daisy staring at me. I smile and wave goodbye and she does the same.

As the hours went by with me and Tasha in school. All I could think about was Ms. Daisy.

Me and Tasha are sitting at the lunch table. I have a fruit salad in front of me and she has a chicken salad.

"You've been awfully giddy today. Who's the guy?"

Zoe doesn't say anything instead she takes a bite of a green apple slice. She loves green apples. She rolls her eyes playfully causing Tasha to nudge her in her side.

"C'mon tell me."

"It's nothing Tosh. Maybe it was the awesome food I had this morning." Or maybe it was your mother.

Tosh rolls her eyes clearly not believing her best-friend.

"Yea whatever."

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