Cocky much

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I sigh out as I look out to the ocean. Tasha wanted to have a beach day and it was well needed. Even though I'm sat underneath an umbrella in the shade I can still feel the suns rays piercing through the fabric. Daisy sits next to me on a beach chair while I sit on the floor playing with the white sand.

"Are you getting in or not?"

Tasha asks as she realizes neither me or Daisy felt like getting up.

I continue playing with the sand as she stands up towering over me and Daisy her arms crossed while she stares at us expectantly.

"Yea. In a bit."

I reply watching as she walks off leaving me and Daisy alone.

Yesterday was awesome. Of course with my new found love for Daisy maybe I have been acting a bit weird to her. When we left the rink I was way too quiet which left her asking me if she did anything wrong. And that's the thing, she did everything absolutely right.

"Are you just not gonna say anything to me after we had an awesome date?"

She asks in a low tone. I gulp and brush the sand off of me turning my head to look at her. A small smirk adorns her face.

"Cocky much."

My response comes out in a playful tone. Daisy hums in return.

"I have every right to be."

I raise an eyebrow curious as to what she means.

"And what's that suppose to mean Ms. Daisy?"

She simply shrugs and stands up, fixing her yellow top in the process. Her tan skin glimmers in the sun. She's so hot. I bite my lip at the thought.

"I can show you better than I can tell you."

She shoots me a wink and saunters off leaving me speechless. I hurriedly get up going after her but am stopped in my tracks as a sand ball comes flying in my direction. Daisy stands there laughing with Tasha who's hands are pretty much covered in sand.

"You're gonna regret that!"

I yell out playfully.

I dry my hair after a Long Beach day. My head snaps up as I hear a few knocks coming from my door.

"It's me."

Daisy's angelic voice answers. Honestly- it made me jealous how cute and feminine her voice was when mines was just oh so manly.

For some reason I had this new found sense of confidence as I dropped my towel. I wanted her to see me. Touch me. Kiss me.

"You can come in."

Daisy pops her head in the door and freezes when she looks me up and down. From head to toe. Her eyes drink me in and I can't help but feel a little flustered.

"Zoe. What are you doing?"

She whispers out stepping into the room. In three steps she was in-front of me. Her hands exploring my body. Leaving trails of fire everywhere she touched. I suck in a breath as she kisses my neck and her hands land on my waist.

"Wait, wait- is Tasha here?"

A part of me was paranoid about Tasha seeing us. I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

Daisy shakes her head no as her hands continue to roam all over my body. I can't help but let out a content sigh and bask in this moment.

I loved it when Daisy touched me. When she looks and me and kisses me.

Daisy walks me forward towards the bed and pushes me down gently. I lean onto my elbows so I can look at her.

She looks sexy- her pink lips were swollen and her eyes were now darkened with lust. She pulls her shirt over her head to reveal her lacy blue bra. Fuck- she's so hot.

I bite my lip in anticipation as she lays gently on top of me. Her thighs straddle me and she takes a nipple into her mouth. I can't help but moan out as her tongue laps on the bud- sucking, nipping and licking.

I don't even realize it but, I start to grind upwards, trying to ease some of the built of tension that has gathered in my core.

"Fuck- Daisy."

Daisy continues to pinch my nipple with her other hand and comes back up to kiss me.

"Tell me what you want Zoe."

I groan out in frustration. She knows what I want. She just likes to toy with me.

"Touch me. Please."

I sputter out. My eyes roll back when her hand finally touches my stiff clit. Her fingers move in slow, steady circles.


With my body having a kind of its own, it starts to shamelessly grind up into her hand.

Daisy presses down on my stomach to keep my in place as she starts to move a little faster. He fingers now slipping up and down between my wet folds. Moans start to fall from my lips as her other hand reaches up to choke me softly. That action alone has me dripping even more.

I let out a small gasp when Daisy slips one finger into me. I can feel myself getting close and my legs start to tremble.

"Look at you. Dripping all over my fingers. Taking me like a good girl."

Daisy says as she slips another finger into me. Her fingers pound into me mercilessly and I can do nothing but moan out. Hearing her talk to me like this turned me on even more.

"Is my princess close? Hm?"

I nod my head and her thumb traces over my protruding clit. She curls her fingers into me, reaching places that have me trembling. Her other hand tightens around my neck and I can do nothing but hold onto her. My fingers digging into her back.

"Words princess."

My legs wrap around her torso and she grunts out when she feels my walls constricting around her fingers.

"What the actual fuck."

My eyes land on a shocked Tasha. Her eyes are wide in surprise and anger.

How the fuck do I fix this?

Authors note:
Hiii. This was my first time writing smut. I know it's not the best- but I tried.

Also- sorry for not updating. Just been kinda stuck on how I should continue this book. We are getting pretty close to the end.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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