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Since the last conversation me and Daisy had, the awkward glances and staring became too much. It's obvious that we both wanted to say something to each other but what exactly would I say?

After the whole conversation me and daisy had, Tosh came home a couple minutes later and could tell something was wrong but I didn't tell her what. I didn't tell her that her mom kissed me and then told me it was a mistake the next day.

I think that she knows something weird is going on between me and her mom because of us barely talking to each other.

"We should go out tonight!"

Tosha says going through her closet. I sigh turning around on her bed to look at the ceiling.

"We have school tomorrow Tosh."

I turn on my side to stare at her while she was still rummaging through the closet trying to find something for the both of us to wear.

"Yea but you're down and you need to do something fun."

She turn around holding this short  red dress on a hanger.

"Please. For me?"

I roll my eyes.

"Ok fine."

I really hope I don't regret this.

Tosh ended up picking out a dark pink dress for me. It was above my knees and had these cute little straps at the end of it. Of course she did my makeup too. She wore a blue backless dress that was also short.

We finish get ready and we walk downstairs to se Daisy sitting at the island on her computer. She turns around to look at us and she's wearing there cute reading glasses. She takes them off resting them on the counter.

"You guys look pretty. Where ya going?"

She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Were going to a party down by Sofias."

Tosh replies.

Daisy turns around to her computer. "Ok have fun."

Me and Tosh walk out the door and see just as I'm about to shut it Daisy's eyes catch mine.

Me and Sofía are at the party right now. It's filled with high school students jumping around and holding beers or red solo cups in their hands.

After a night of drinking I was a a little tipsy. But I felt better then I did before I came here. Tosh stands up from her chair offering me her hand to stand up.

"It's almost one. And we have school tomorrow."

I knew I would regret this. I sigh putting my hand in hers so she can pull me up.

The party was still packed with a bunch of people who were passed out or almost passed out. But there was this one girl who I caught staring at me.

Her hair was dyed blue and she wore leather. Her curly hair dropped down to her shoulders and it looked like she was about 5'6. She holds a solo cup in her hand. I tilt my head when she doesn't look away from me. She stands there sipping from her solo cup looking me straight in the eye.

She starts walking towards me. Sending a little wave my way. Until she stands in front of me.

"Hey. I'm Jazzy." She says as she holds her hand towards me.

Tasha who stands next to me turns around swiftly and says.

"I'll be in the car. Take your time."

I try my hardest to stop her.

"Wait. Don't go." I whisper in her ear.

She pats my back. "Don't worry you'll be fine." And she walks away.

Jazzy stands infront of me trying her hardest not to laugh.

"Hi I'm Zoe." I say shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you Zoe. You're really pretty." She says enthusiastically.

"I've wanted to say something to you the whole night.

I smile. "Why didn't you?" I ask sincerely.

She shrugs. "I thought your friend was your girlfriend but that would mean you would be gay. So are you?"
She gets straight to the point.

"I'm as straight as noodles." I say hoping she would get the joke.

She furrows her eyebrows "Wait the cooked ones? Or the straight ones."

I laugh "The cooked ones."

She laughs too. "So uh so can I get your number?"

I give her my phone. "Yes sure."

She types something and hands it back.

"I'm saved under 'hottie'"

I look on my phone and she absolutely is saved as that.

"Ill call you. And we can hang out whenever you're not busy."

She says. "Ok sounds good. I've got to go. Nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too Zoe."

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