You remembered?

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Zoe's POV

My heart thumps. Genuinely. I feel like it's about to burst out of my chest. I don't know why I'm so nervous. Maybe it's because it's me and Daisy's first official date. It just feels different. Picking out my clothes feel different. Walking downstairs feels different.

Why do I actually love this feeling? Ever since me and Daisy kissed I've found it hard to believe we could be more. That there was even a small possibility. But this date- it opens up a door to endless possibilities. Maybe we could actually do this. I could be her girlfriend. Or even wife.

I walk downstairs to see Daisy staring at me. She wears light blue jeans and a white button up. Her hair is down, reaching her mid back. She shoots me a smile as she looks me up and down. Although I'm dressed fairly simple she still looks at me with a hint of lust in her eyes. I can totally understand why. When I look at her I don't see clothes. I see her smile. Her kind eyes. Her enchanting personality. Oh and maybe a little ass.

"You look good."

She comments as she walks over to the door and opens it for me. My heart swells at the compliment.

"Thank you. So do you."

I walk outside as she closes the door behind us. We reach her car and she opens the door for me. I step inside and she smacks my ass causing me to let out a little squeal. She chuckles as she shuts the door behind me walking to her seat.

"Ok so where to?"

I ask her curiously. I felt giddy and not knowing where we were going was making it worse.

She turns her head to look at me whilst she shakes her side to side laughing softly.

"Wait and see gorgeous."

I sit back looking outside the window with a small smile on my face. The engine starts and Daisy pulls out the driveway. A song plays in the background. The same song we sang together on our first kind of date? We went to the beach and ate sushi.

I look over at her tilting my head. Admiring her beauty. The ways she had these small smile wrinkles. How her nose was coated in these tiny small freckles, how her hair flutters around her in the wind.

She's just so- beautiful.

She glances at me and turns her head back towards the road.

"What are you doing?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"Just admiring your beauty."

I shamelessly say. I was tired of hiding how I felt. From now on I would just tell her.

Her cheeks turn a hue of red as she tries to hide her face in her hair.

"Don't hide. I want to see you."

My hands move towards her face and I move her hair as she sighs out still looking at the road.

"Thank you."

She says in turn as she accepts my compliment.

"No problem beautiful."

I respond as I turn to look at the window.

"And we're here!"

She exclaims excitedly.

My eyes scan over where she's park. My eyes widen at the huge flashing sign.

'Skating Rink'

Yes. It may seem cliche. Two girls going on their first date to the skating rink. But I remember talking to Daisy about this before.

6 months ago

"Ok, ok. Your dream date."

Daisy asks me as she sets down a tub of ice cream on the table.

My dream date? Well I've never really thought about that before. Once when life was simple I would go to the skating rink with my mom. Before all this happened. I always felt safe there. Happy. Even though I couldn't skate that didn't matter.

There was so much laughter. So much happiness. I don't know if I'll even feel that way again. I'll never get that relationship back with my mom again. And it hurts. It hurts that I'll always be reminded of her anytime I go there. But it's where I was happiest.

"Skating rink. And then we watch Movie afterwards."

Daisy nods as she takes a spoonful of ice cream.


She mumbles taking a bite of her ice cream.

"Why's that?"

"Most people would say an extravagant dinner or maybe have a little picnic."

I shrug whilst blowing on my wet nails.

"Maybe I'm just different."

I watch as she nods.

"You definitely are Zoe Lockhart."

End of flashback.

"You remembered!"

I yell as we enter the the skating rink. My heart swells at the thought. She remembered.

"I did. How could I not."

She pays for our skates and I look around at the almost empty rink. Barely anyone was here. I liked it like that though. Lights are twinkling and a pop song plays in the background.

Daisy bends down infront of me. Her knee pushing against her chest made it pop out more. I could see the top of her breast. I felt my heart rate pick up as she smirks up at me.


She calls out.

"Um yea?"

"Pass me your skates."

Her tone is low and she sounds amused as she looks at how flustered I am. I hand her my skates as she puts them on my feet.

"You don't have to put them on me Daisy. I can do it myself."

I let out secretly enjoying how she tries to take care of me in any way.

"Oh- it's done already. Nothing we can do about that."

I shake my head side to side as she stands up, towering over me. I stand up almost falling as I try to walk to the rink.

"Woah. Slow down."

Daisy says as she grabs my waist steadying me. I feel myself start to blush at the action. Calm down dammit!

I try my hardest not to fall down holding at the walls whilst daisy isn't struggling at all. How is she so good at everything? I think to myself.

Her hair flows as she holds onto my hand. She lets out a cheerful laugh and it's so infectious I can't stop myself from laughing too.

Forget it. Going to the skating rink with my mom wasn't the happiest I've ever been. This is. Being with Daisy was. Feeling her hand in mines was like a dream come true. Kissing her was a dream come true.

Loving her was a dream come true.

I couldn't help it. In this moment I realized how irrevocably in love I was with Daisy Simms.


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