Wanna get out of here?

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As I continue sitting at the pool think about what just happened I hear sniffing behind me. I turn around and see Ms Daisy who freezes when she sees me. She hurriedly wipes her eyes and I turn back around continuing to swish my feet around in the water. Waiting for her to say something.

She takes her heels off and sits besides me lifting her red dress up and swishing her feet around in the pool. We sit there in silence for a few minutes. It felt like either if us didn't know what to say.

"Are you ok?" I finally ask in a whisper. I look at her and she continues looking down.


I nod my head. "Wanna talk about it."

She shakes her head again and finally looks me in the eye.

"No. I just want to have fun tonight."

I get up from the pool picking up my shoes and lending my empty hand out to her.

"Wanna get out of here?"

She looks at my hand and back up into my eyes.

"And go where?"

I shrug. "The beach."

She looks like she's thinking about it and then she puts her hand into mines.

"You know what. Fuck it. Let's get out of here."

I smile and look down at her hand in mine. This feels perfect. Our hands melt into each other. And for the first time tonight I feel like I belong.

We giggle as we sneak through the back fence and I could sense that Daisy was a little tipsy. We reach her jet black car and she takes out her keys from her pocket and she drops it on the floor and tries to pick it up again.

I stop her "Uh uh. You're not driving. You're obviously drunk." And I pick up the key.

She laughs "ok. I guess you're right."

I open her door for her and close it behind her. I go to the other side and also get in the car. I take out my phone to text Tasha.

"Who are you texting?" Ms Daisy ask as she hiccups in the passenger seat.

"I'm texting Tasha to see if she needs a ride."

She smiles "You're such a good friend."

Tasha replies

Tosh: Uhhh no! James said he'll drop me.

Me: Why are you with James?

Tosh: text you later😘.  Luv you❤️!

I shake my head and sigh shutting my phone off.

"What's wrong?" Daisy asks another hiccup leaving her mouth.

"Tasha doesn't need a ride. But you, you absolutely need some water."

Her belly growls. "And maybe some food too." I say.

"Ohhh i heard there's this new sushi place around the corner. Let's go there!"

I nod and put on my seatbelt making sure daisy has hers on too and I turn the key. I back out the driveway and drove to the sushi place while playing some music.

The at ride wasn't awkward at all. It consisted of me and Ms Daisy singing to some very weird songs very terribly and eating sushi that she fed to me as I drove.

I tried my hardest to focus on the road but her red hair that was now out of the sleek back bun was swaying in the air and her head bopped to some random song that was playing. Ms Daisy was always this shell of herself when she was with Mark. She wouldn't talk or socialize.

But she looks free and happy as she sits next to me and I loved that. I loved everything about her.

"What?" She squints her eyes at me.

I turn my eyes towards the road. "Oh it's nothing." I try to turn the conversation to something else. "How had work been going?"

She shrugs her shoulders "Fine. But don't change the subject!"

I sigh "Ok fine. You just look so beautiful."

I keep my eyes to the road hoping she doesn't see me blushing. But I shouldn't have been worried about that because when I look at her,
Her face is red. She never blushes around me. "Yea um thanks." She turns to the window hiding her face.

People actually are reading my book and liking it! And I even got like my first comment ever. So cool.

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