Room 12

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I get to the house and I knock hurriedly on Ms Daisy's door. Planning on asking her what that was about. When she doesn't answer I open the door to find her not in her room. I go upstairs and sit on the bed. Why do I always end up in these situations? Sometimes I wish that fantasies stayed fantasies. Maybe if I kept my distance and never allowed her to get close to me I wouldn't be in this predicament.

What I do know is that I need to talk to Daisy. So I go to her office. Like a crazy person. I'm going to her job to speak to her.

"I'm here to speak to Ms Daisy." I say to the secretary at the front desk. She picks up her phone and dials a number.

"Hello daisy. Someone here is asking for you." She pauses. "What's your name sweetheart?"

I tell her my name and she says "Ok. She'll see you in Room 12

I barge in her office

"What the actual fuck?"

Ms Daisy sits behind her desk on her computer. Her legs are crossed and she looks professional. Professional and hot. Stop it Zoe! This isn't why you're here. I scold myself.

"Well hello to you too Zoe. How was the date?"

I let out a forced laugh. "Why did you tell her that?"

She gets up from her desk feigning a look of confusion. And boy did I almost believe her. "Tell who what?"

I nod my head being sarcastic. " oh. Don't act clueless. You told her that I would break her heart. Why?"

She shrugs her shoulders.

"Because it's true. We kissed Zoe. And the next day you're going on a date with some random stranger!"

She yells out. I roll my eyes and scoff.

"It was one kiss. You are a married woman. Haven't you told me more than once that we would never work? Why are you acting like this?"

She shakes her head and turns around towards her desk placing her hands on the oak wood desk.

"We're getting divorced."

I stay quiet not knowing what to say.

"Are you saying that kiss didn't matter? Say it didn't matter Zoe. Tell me you didn't love that kiss as much as I did."

She walks towards me almost like a cat stalking it's prey. And I can't move. But I mutter out a "It didn't matter."

Trying my hardest not to show that what I said was and absolute lie. That kiss mattered. My back is against the wall now and Daisy presses on me. Her warm body engulfing mine. I lick my lips in anticipation. And Daisy smiles


She whispers against my lips . She puts her hand on my waist kissing my collarbone up to my neck. I let out a small whimper. I can feel her smirk against my neck and she lifts up my chin, her green eyes gazing into my brown ones. I lean in and I kiss her. And when I do it's like butterflies are exploding in my stomach. I spin us around and Ms Daisy let's out a moan.

I put my knee between her pelvis feeling her grind on it. She lifts me up causing me to let out a shocked sound and she lays me on her desk. She started removing the buttons on my shirt one by one. Her hands moving skillfully. She takes off my bra kneading my breast going down to suck and lick on my nipples. I can't help but let out a moan. She leaves my breast going to kiss me instead.

"You're so beautiful. Fuck, you do things to me."

She goes down to unbutton my pants but her phone rings.


We both let out at the same time. She gets off me. Fixing herself in the process.

"I have to take this. It's important."

I get off the desk feeling disappointment. I throw my clothes back on and pat everything down. Not knowing what to say I just walk out the office. I can't believe that just happened.

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