Unshed tears

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Glass clinked as I passed them to Daisy. I avoid her eyes and push my hair behind my ears.

"So what was that about?"

I say sitting down at the dining table. She turns around to look at me raising her brow. She crosses her arms.

"What was what?"

I bring my hand up to my chin. Is she really going to ask that?

"That was a long time ago Mark"

I let out a scoff not missing the frown now adorning her beautiful face. I found the whole thing to just be a joke at this point. Why was I doing this to myself? Why do I put myself in these situations that could very much be avoided.

"Yea? Well I guess a long time ago must've meant five minutes earlier? You tell me. What exactly are we Daisy?"

I breathe out. I tried to keep it in. I tried to not ask her what we were. Thinking maybe she was just like me- whenever she felt pushed into a corner she would self sabotage. I knew that her answer would only hurt me. But yet I still asked.

"Zoe. I can't talk about this. I'm tired ok? It's been a long day."

She says as she keeps her back turned to me. The clinking continues as she dries the glass .

I roll my eyes.

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