Shitty opinions.

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How long have I liked Ms. Daisy? I guess it was when I turned 16 which was two years ago. I loved how she spoke, how she carried her self with humility even though she was filthy rich. She was always kind to me and never judged me. But it really hit me when during my 16th birthday she planned everything. She knew that I never had a birthday party before and she paid special attention to every detail. I had an awesome time at the party but I spent most of it gawking at her and scowling in secret at her husband at every turn. Yes.

It was that bad.

You would think I would have came out to my best friend of 7 years a while ago. It's bad enough that I have a crush on her mom but she doesn't even know I like girls. I don't know how she'll react. I don't know how my mum will react. I do know how the world will react though. Who doesn't? Every single time a "gay" topic comes up in class people still cringe. People still have to shout that "you're going to hell!!!" Like I don't already know that.

Fuck people and their shitty irrelevant opinions.

I keep saying I'll tell my mum when I go to college, when I have a job and a home. When I can support myself. I don't know if I believe myself. What if I never get the balls to tell her? That's for another day right?

Well no. Because as I stand infront of my mom in the kitchen to her yelling at me for reading gay fiction books because she got a new phone and the Emails of what I read are going directly to her phone I can't hide it anymore.

"I knew you were a fucking freak! What did I do to deserve a child like this!"

I stand there in fear, and that fear turn into anger.

"You were never there for me. You constantly emotionally abuse me and make me feel bad for being me. Well this is who I am mom! I'm a girl who likes girls and I'm tired of being judged for it. ESPECIALLY BY MY OWN MOM!"

That last part leaves me shaking and in rage. It leaves me in tears.

"Get out." She yells at me. "Pack your shit and leave. I'm not having you come with your sin into my house."

I turn around about to storm up the stairs. And I turn back around to say one last thing to her.

"I see why dad left your ass. You're such a terrible person."

In a split second she's in front of me and I don't even realize what's happen until my face is now turned away from her. Burning.

She slapped me.

I hold my cheek nodding my head in acceptance. And I run up the stairs and get my things to leave.

My mum stands in the kitchen looking at me and I don't say a word as I slam the door and leave.

What the fuck am I gonna do now.


I know these are a bit short.
531 words.

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