Its all you

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The car ride consisted of Tasha and Ms Daisy talking in the front seat while I sat in the back watching the cars zoom by. I keep thinking about what Ms Daisy said know for a fact now that she was obviously flirting. My eyes turn to the rear view mirror and see that her eyes are staring right back at me. But just as I caught her stare she turns her eyes away from me.

"You're a little quiet back there Zoe. You ok?" Ms Daisy ask sincerely but there's a bit of amusement in her tone too. She knows what shes doing to me. And she loves it.

"Yea I'm fine."

My eyes land on this huge magnificent pent house that's painted a pretty baby blue. Cars are parked left and right.

"Okay and we're here!"

Ms Daisy says in excitement. Tasha opens her door and as I'm about to get out Ms Daisy holds mine open too. We walk pass the cars and know on this huge wooden door. Someone opens it and we're greeted by a handsome guy who looks like he was almost waiting for us.

"Daisy! I was hoping you would come."

He reaches out to hug Daisy and she smiles. "Everyone this is James: James is my coworker. And this is my daughter Tasha and her friend Zoe."

James sticks out his hand for us to shake "Nice to meet you. We have refreshments and some food if you're hungry."

We nod and Tasha pulls me towards someone she sees and Daisy stays behind talking to James.

Tasha talks to her friend and walks off after a while telling me she'll be back soon. I stand in the corner of this huge magnificent room looking at all these people who are wearing extravagant clothes and earnings that probably cost thousands of dollars and I feel alone. Like I'm not meant to be here. And the truth is I'm not. I'm not suppose to be here right now.

I take a few pieces of food of the table and put it on a plate and start walking around trying to find a quiet place where I can sit by myself and eat.

I reach outside looking at the pool that was deserted and I pull my dress to my knees to dip my toes in the pool. I sit there for minutes staring into the blue abyss thinking about nothing.

Then I hear a voice coming from the door I came through.

"No. Stop this Mark. You brought this on yourself."

It sounds like Ms Daisy. I know I shouldn't snoop but I get up from the pool as quietly as I can and go up to peek behind a wall at them.

Ms Daisy stands there talking to her ex husband Mark and she looks sad.

"It was a mistake Daisy. I regret it so much. You can't just give me divorce papers and leave like nothing mattered."

I scoff and cover my mouth quickly. But Ms Daisy also scoffed so no one heard me thankfully.

"You fucking bastard. You wouldn't have had anything to regret if you hadn't cheated on me. That was your fault. It's all you. I can give you divorce papers and I can leave like nothing mattered because you did the absolute same thing. You left. You sacrificed everything for some random woman."

I've never seen Ms Daisy this angry but I absolutely agree with every single word that left her mouth.

"Please don't do this to to me. To us. Please. I love you so much."

Ms Daisy shakes her head from side to side. "You did this to us. And I hate you. I hate you with all my being."

Ms Daisy walks off and I quickly move back behind the wall. I hear the door close. Mark must've went back inside.

I sit back down at the pool trying to wrap my head around this. And the twinge in my heart kept growing.

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