Because you'll break my heart.

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I come from school sitting in the guest room and Daisy comes by the door giving it a knock.

"We have to talk about this morning Zoe. I didn't mean to hurt you. Im sorry."

She walks towards me on the bed. Closing the door behind her
She sits besides me on the bed now.

"I just- I don't know how I feel and I don't want you to think I don't care about you."

She puts her hand on top of mine

"Why do this to me then? "

She grazes her hand over my bare thighs circling it.

"Because you're just so fucking awesome. I know it's wrong but I just- I can't seem to stop wanting you."

I furrow my eyebrows. Ms Daisy leans in some more.

Then Tosh shouts from downstairs and me and Daisy pull away from each other.

"Zoe! Your friends here to see you!"

I furrow my eyebrows. Friend? I only have one friend. But I get up from the bed going downstairs to see Jazzy. The girl from the other night.

I lift my eyebrows up in surprise. I forgot we had a date today.

"Hey Jazzy. How are you?"

She pulls me in for a hug.

"You look pretty as usual."

I smile. She wore all black and her curly hair was pulled in a messy bun.
Daisy comes downstairs and stops in her tracks her and daisy staring at each other.

"Who's your friend Zoe?"

Ms Daisy asks curiously. Tasha says

"Oh this is Jazzy. Zoe met her at the party we went to a couple of days ago."

Ms Daisy walks down the rest of the stairs and lends her hand out to Daisy.

"I'm Daisy. Nice to meet you."

Jazzy shakes her hand


I tell Jazzy that I would finish getting ready so we could go on our date. I go upstairs and finish changing and Daisy comes upstairs. Crossing her arms and raising her eyebrows.

"So you two dating?"

Why do I feel like I'm getting interrogated? I shrug my shoulders.

"So what if we are?"

She rolls her eyes walking out and slamming the door behind her. What was that about? She's the one that rejected me. And told me more than once that we wouldn't work out. Why is she mad at me? I did nothing wrong. I'm taking a chance and I'm going to see if this thing is gonna work out with Jazzy. Is that so wrong?

I put on my clothes and go back downstairs to See Daisy talking to Jazzy. Jazzy looks a little shaken up and hurriedly drags me out the house. As I turn around to shut the door I see miss Daisy with a sinister smirk on her face.

Me and Jazzy sit at this Pizzeria and she asks me basic questions like "what's you fav color? Or movie."

And I know it's wrong but all I can think about is Daisy. The way she almost kissed me again. And how angry she got when she knew me and Jazzy were going on a date. I like the fact that she got jealous. Is that wrong?


Jazzy waves her hand infront of my face snapping me out of my day dreaming. I offer her a forced smile.

"Sorry just a little tired."

I mutter out. She shrugs taking a bite of her pizza.

"It's fine. I was just asking if you and Ms Daisy are close."

I tilt my head. Finally an interesting question.

"Why would you think that? Did she say something to you?"

I refer back to the fact that she seemed a bit shaken up earlier.

Jazzy puts her pizza down wiping her hand with a nearby napkin.

"Yea." She nods her head. "She told me that you're a heartbreaker."

I let out a forced laugh. "I won't break your heart Jazzy. I don't know why she would say something like that." I've never broken anyones heart and I don't plan on doing so.

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