More times than I can count

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"What are you doing" I cough out as Tasha applies some powder to my face.

"I'm trying to do your makeup. Sit still please." Tasha huffs out. We have around 30 minutes left for the party and no one is even almost ready.

Let's talk about the dress. Well first off after many trips and fitting rooms. And many accidental nip slips. We finally found the perfect dress. Which Ms Daisy refused to tell me the price of. She probably knew if I knew the price I wouldn't take the dress. And the truth is this dress looks like it costs a fortune.

It's a black dress that hugs all my curves, stopping right above the knees. The neckline was a V- neckline that was adorned with gems. The dress also had this subtle sparkle to it which I loved. It has a velvety fabric that feels so soft.

I have yet to see what Ms Daisy picked but frankly I'm excited. She looks ravishing in anything she wears.

"Ok and done!" Tasha yells out turning my chair towards the mirror.

I never wear makeup. Mostly cause
1. Expensive
2. I don't know how to do it.

But I wish that I knew how to do it because when I look in the mirror I see a far more attractive me. My eyes pop out as the Smokey eye she did brought them to life. My lips the red shade shone so brightly. And my jawline popped out more making my face look sharper and more defined.

I smile and thank Tasha a million times.

"Yea I'm an artist." She looks me over. "Ok! Time for the dress."

I look on my phone and see it's now 9:45 pm. We were suppose to be there at 9:30 but I guess not.

After me and Tasha get ready we walk downstairs and of course Tasha forgets something so she runs back upstairs.

Ms Daisy pops out of her room in a red mermaid dress that hugs all her curves. Her curly red hair now in a very sleeked back bun. She turns around and smiles at me.

"Well don't you look beautiful."

I try my hardest to hide my blush. "Yea I love this dress. Thank you for getting it for me."

She nods her head "Don't worry about it. It was a great experience. I've seen your boobs more times than I can count now."

My mouth drops open.

"Don't worry about it." She winks at me and walks away to the door.

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