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Daisy POV

Tantalizing. Her pink, luscious lips were just that. Tantalizing. It takes every fiber in my being not to just take her right then and there.

My eyes linger on a very focused Zoe. She bit her lip as she looked down at her assignment. My eyes fall down to her thighs. Her shorts had ridden up exposing the smooth surface.

I wasn't even suppose to be down here. I was supposed to be looking over some papers. My desk is starting to become flooded with them. But I can't stop myself as I walk over to Zoe causing her to snap her head up to look at me.

A small smile appears on her face. It makes me feel warm inside and I can't help it when a smile also appears on my face. Everything about her is just so- perfect.

I plop down beside her looking over her assignment. I raise an eyebrow not understanding a thing on her paper. Math was never my strong suit. My eyes meet her brown ones that are still on me. A strand of hair falls in front of her face and she tries to blow it away. But it just falls back into the same place. I let out a small chuckle as I raise my hand and push it behind her ear.

Her cheeks turn a hue of pink and I bite my lips as my eyes drop down to her lips once more and back to her eyes. Her beautiful eyes. I could just drown in the deep brown abyss. My hand runs over her bare thigh. Up and down.
Up and down. She looks down at the action before she looks back into my eyes.

I lean in slowly and put my lips on hers. This was all I had been thinking about. Every day. Every minute. Every single second. My lips move against her and I feel her get stiff before she relaxes into the kiss moving her lips. Trying to keep up with me.

My phone rings. Snapping us out of our own little world. I send her a small smile before I get up and go towards my phone. I sigh out as I look at the name. My ex-husband.

"What do you want?"

I pick up annoyed that he just ruined a really awesome moment between me and the beautiful girl sitting right in front of me.

"I want to see you."

I roll my eyes as I look over at Zoe. She's back to whatever she was doing before.

"I don't want to see you. Bye."

I hang up. I couldn't handle having another argument with Zoe about him.

2 weeks ago

"Daisy also was"-

He trails off.

"Gay I suppose. She did like the ladies. Right honey?"

You don't see it immediately when you look at Daisy but she looks annoyed at the end.
Grimacing when he calls her honey.

He knows what he did. He knows him and her are probably over. Yet he still has the gall to call her "honey."


Oh fuck off Mark.

Oh how hard it was not to cringe. It sounded like to him saying someone was "gay" was like saying a bad word.

Daisy inhales and exhales giving him a smile that was so fake it looked like it would melt.

"Oh that was a long time ago Mark."

She put emphasis on the long in that sentence.

Was a long time ago literally like two seconds ago? Maybe it was. I didn't know anymore.

End of flash back.

After Mark had left some things came up. Zoe felt like she was being treated like a fling. And I understood her. I knew she was right to feel that way. And so I promised her that I would start treating her like the princess she was.

I set the phone down on the counter as I take a seat.


I call out to her as she turns her head towards me. Stopping what she was doing.


She responds in a soft voice. Oh her voice. Just another thing that I loved about her.

"I want to take you out."

I say watching her let out a small giggle. Getting up from her place on the couch she comes over to me and stands in between my legs. Her hands rest on my thighs and my hand goes to rest on her ass as I pull her even closer to my body.


Her voice comes out excited.

"It's a surprise. Just wear something casual yea?"

She nods her head at me as she wraps her hands around my neck giving me a small peck. I pout at her playfully.

"Give me a proper kiss."

Authors note:

Hiiii guysss. I know it's been awhile but I'm back. Thank you all so much for 10 k reads! I appreciate all the likes and comments. Just so you know I read all of them. Luv ya ❤️

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