Stupid fucking zipper

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Shopping. It makes me nervous. Why? Well the prices first of all and the stress that comes with trying on things that look beautiful on mannequins and look like shit on you. Yea. It makes me nervous.

But I didn't feel nervous. Not one bit. And I know why. Ms. Daisy stands next to me talking to a clerk and asking about the many dress that she sees. I don't feel like a ghost because she asks me questions.

"What do you like? Is there anything you prefer? What about the color?" I smile as I answer her enjoying the attention and enjoying the feeling of comfort that she gave me.

"Here try this."

She hands me this green dress that has a heart neckline and gems adorning the waist of it. The dress stops  to my ankles and overall is pretty. I stand in front of the mirror in the dressing room staring at the dress. It hugs my curves nicely and I like the heart neck line but I didn't love it. The color didn't suit me and it just wasn't me.

I step out the dressing room to see Ms. Daisy turned to the clerk I mentioned earlier before. Her legs were crossed as she sat on the white sofá, her hand occupied with a glass of champagne. She looked stunning when she didn't even try.

The clerk blushes and smiles and she giggles obviously flirting with Ms. Daisy. Ms. Daisy looks oblivious based on how she replies to the girls advances.

"You're so beautiful. Everything here would look extravagant on you."

Daisy smiles "Is that so? Thank you. Now the dresses- oh Zoe!"

She puts her drink down on the table next to her and puts her hand underneath her chin as if she's thinking.

"You look beautiful as expected." Her eyes go from my toes covered in the green silk fabric all the way to my face covered in my shot brown hair. "Do you like it?"

I blush at her comment and look down. I wanted to smirk and shove it in the clerks face that I was the one Ms Daisy payed attention to but I don't. Instead I say"Thank you. It's beautiful but it's not for me."

"Don't worry we have lots of options." She smiles.

After trying about 7 different dresses I was getting frustrated. I felt like me not being able to make a decision would make Ms. Daisy mad at me. My mom always did that. She got angry at me for the slightest things and when she did I would become clumsy and anxious.

That's what's happening right now. Those seven dresses never seemed to give me a problem with the zipper but as I stand here ready to cry cause I just can't seem to reach the zipper.


I yell sitting on the chair in the dressing room. All of the emotions I kept inside of me coming out all at once now amplified cause I can't reach the stupid fucking zipper. The feeling of my mom abandoning me after treating me like shit for my entire life. I try not to care and not to think about it but it hurts way more than I'd like to admit it.

My hands cradle my head as I try my hardest not to make a sound. And then I hear knocking.

"You ok in there."

I wipe my eyes as fast as I can and sit up.

"Yea. I'm good." I try to get out but my voice wavers and I just breakdown again not even trying to stop the ugly sobs leaving my mouth. Ms Daisy walks in and sits next to me putting her arms around me as I just cry.

"Let everything out. I'm here for you." She taps my back.

After a few minutes but what felt like hours I stop crying. Hiccups leave my mouth and my red puffy eyes felt dry like I had emptied them. But Ms Daisy this pats my back.

"What's wrong?"

I shrug my shoulders "I just feel sad about my mom and I feel angry because she just, she abandoned me and my father abandoned me and now I think everyone's going to abandon me. I don't know what to do."

She lifts up my chin and brings my face to hers. "Have I abandoned you?"

She asks sincerely.

I shake me head side to side "No."

"Has Tasha abandoned you?"

I shake my head once again. "No."

She repeats after me. "No. And I can assure you. We never will."

"Ok." I whisper out. "Can you help me with the zipper please?"

Ms Daisy nods "Yes of course."

Authors note: I honestly did not expect this scene to go like this. I think I wanted it to be sexy ya know like "oof need help with this zipper." And daisy comes in like "I'll help you." But that's for another time gents 🙂

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