Shit show.

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I scratch at my head as Tasha fiddles with the zipper of her dress. The dress was obviously too tight for her yet she refused to take it off.

I tried to help her zip it up but it just wasn't budging. Just as I was about to protest for the 100th time she gets the zipper to move.

A week went by. A week full of me trying to avoid daisy. A week full of me trying not to look miserable but utterly failing.

"Ok so my dad will be here in a few. You ready?"

I nod giving her a small smile to convince her that I would be fine. Her dad whiles a terrible human being had always been intimidating to me. He had money, a beautiful and successful wife who he still cheated on and a really smart daughter.

He has it all. Or should I say had?

I walk downstairs not missing the delicious smell of the meal Daisy had made.


She acknowledges me as I walk down the stairs. I glance at her then glance away to seem uninterested when I was anything but. Being alone with her made me nervous. And I hated it. I hated it so much.

She had this aura. This calm and collected aura and I just wanted to see her crumble. Even if it was just once.

"Ms. Daisy."

I say in return. She sets a plate down on the table. She goes to grab another one but I decided since I was here I might as well help her.

I side step her eyeing the plates she had yet to set on the table and I grab one turning around only to be stopped by Daisy's frame.

She put her hands on my waist and her lips brush over my neck as she whispers in a sultry tone.

"I thought I said you didn't have to call me that."

I don't miss the hint of her strawberry perfume as she places a soft kiss on my neck. I don't miss the suggestive tone she takes with me. And all I can do is whimper. Hoping that Tasha doesn't come down the stairs.

"What are you doing?"

I whisper back to her. I knew what she was doing. She had been doing it for the last week. I knew that I should push her away. That we should stop because I didn't want her pushing me away like she always did. But there was just something about her. I just didn't know why I couldn't say no to her.

And I fucking hated it.

"What do you think I'm doing?"

She raises her head from my neck. Her lips tilted looking down at me. I squint my eyes at her. I genuinely didn't understand her.

She pushes me away and then she pulls me in closer. I didn't want her playing with me again so I did what I always did.

I avoided the issue.

"Let me go. Your husband is going to be here soon."

I say. Secretly I hope she doesn't let me go. I hope that the door opens and enters her shit show of her husband. I hoped that maybe he would see us in a compromising position.

I hoped that she would defend our relationship and leave him once and for all and proclaim her ever undying love for me.

But that's all that was. It was just hope. It was just a dream. A fantasy.

Daisy let's me go much to my disappointment. I knew she would. But I still feel an ache in my chest. A dull one. One that I tried to ignore but no matter what I did. That ache was still there.

Silence over takes the room. A hurt look flickers across her face and it disappeared just as fast as it came.

Tasha comes down the stairs. And the bell dings

"Wonder who that must be." Tasha says sarcastically as she trudges over to the door.

Let the shit show begin.


Mark was someone you looked at and immediately thought.

What a fucking douche bag. Daisy carried herself with humility and kindness. You would never know that she was filthy rich.

But Mark? Oh Mark was vastly different. He boasted. You couldn't stroke his ego more then he did himself.

The way he spoke. How he walks into a room like he owns it. Even though half the people in the room hated him.

I'm being too generous.

The whole room hated him. And it's either he's too oblivious trying to charm his way into something or he thinks people are jealous of him.

It's true. I am jealous of him. But he doesn't need to know that.

He flicks his hand up swiftly to look at the time on his Rolex watch and all I can think is

"God. We see the watch. And we don't care."

Obviously you can see we absolutely hate Mark.

He offers Daisy a smile as she puts some pasta on his plate.

Mark wasn't an ugly man. He had those eyes that were big and blue. His jet black hair was always slicked back with not one hair out of place. He was quite the charmer I hate to admit. It just made me dislike him even more.

Dinner goes by swiftly with Mark trying to make conversation with Tasha and her giving him short answers with a flat tone.

"Any boy problems?"

He asked as he chews the pasta.

"No. Just you."

He makes a choking sound as he coughs and downs the water next to him.

I chuckle under my breath and look over at Daisy who tries to keep her laugh in.

"Zoe? How's everything at home?"

I knew why he asked that question. He always likes to put others down.


He nods his head. Trying to look understanding.

"Well I heard that you got kicked out? For what exactly? Ah yes! Being gay."

How he knew that was beyond me. We did live in a small town and any news gets around quickly. Too quickly.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. And don't say anything. I wanted to see how this would play out. How he would mess up

"Daisy also was"-

He trails off.

"Gay I suppose. She did like the ladies. Right honey?"

You don't see it immediately when you look at Daisy but she looks annoyed at the end.
Grimacing when he calls her honey.

He knows what he did. He knows him and her are probably over. Yet he still has the gall to call her "honey."


Oh fuck off Mark.

Oh how hard it was not to cringe. It sounded like to him saying someone was "gay" was like saying a bad word.

Daisy inhales and exhales giving him a smile that was so fake it looked like it would melt.

"Oh that was a long time ago Mark."

She put emphasis on the long in that sentence.

Was a long time ago literally like two seconds ago? Maybe it was. I didn't know anymore.

All I knew was that I was ready to go to bed.

Authors note:

After I wrote this I fell right asleep. Pretty long chapter.

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