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I told my mum that I would probably stay with Natasha for the night and told her about the whole situation. She understood.

Natasha and I lay in the same bed. Her back turned towards me. She fell asleep pretty quickly after the whole ordeal. But I just couldn't sleep. I look over at the clock which shows 1:01 am. I took my eyes and sigh. I get off the bed and decided that I should get something to eat. I was downstairs trying to make as less noise as possible. The house is dark. Of course it is. I go to the fridge trying to feel around not seeing anything and not wanting to turn the light on. But in the process I feel something squishy. I continue feeling and it feels like- a boob. That's when I hear a shriek and the light suddenly turns on.

Ms. Daisy stands in front of me. Her hair down to her shoulder her eyes wide open and her hand holding her chest and I don't know what overcame me or her but we just start laughing. Uncontrollably trying our hardest to not wake up Natasha. When it dies down we just stare at each other.

"I needed that." She whispers. "A good laugh."

I smile "Why?"

She shakes her head. "You know why. Natasha probably already told you. She tells you everything."

I nod in agreement "You aren't wrong. I'm sorry that happened to you Ms.Daisy. You deserve so much better than that. Anyone would be lucky to love you. And to have you love them back." I don't know where it comes from but those words leave my mouth before I can stop them. But when I see that wonderful smile light up her face I forget all about it.

"Thanks Zoe. Anyone would be lucky to have you love them."

I wanted to tell her that she must be lucky then but I don't. I'll save that for another time.

"What are you going to do?" I ask her. Regretting it as soon as the question left my mouth. I shouldn't be in her business. But she doesn't look offended as she answers my question.

"I don't know. I honestly don't. We've been together for 20 years and he just threw it away. I think I'm going to leave him" She's looking at the ground now.

"You got cheated on. I've gotten cheated on and it hurts. It hurt even though we weren't married for 20 years or even though we didn't have a kid. That's painful. Either way I still see you as a strong and kind woman."

"Thanks so much Zoe. I'm happy Natasha has a friend like you."

"Thank you."

She opens the fridge and asks if I want anything. I land on a frozen yogurt. And she gets a popsicle. We sit at the island and she asks me about school.

"How's your mom doing? I've been meaning to go and see her."

I scoop up some more yogurt "she's great. She isn't really home anymore though. Always at work." I eat a spoonful.

She tilts her head. "And how does that make you feel?"

I smirk and she realizes what she just asked me.

"I'm sorry." She chuckles. I chuckle along with her. "I tend to bring my work home with me." She shakes her head side to side.

"Oh it's fine Ms. Daisy. I doesn't really affect me. Of course I miss her sometimes but I can just call her and she'll always pick up. No matter what."

"That's awesome."

We talk for a bit more. And I see Ms. Daisy looking at her watch. It reads 2:10. We've been talking for an hour at least. But it felt like it was only a few minutes.

"Zoe I enjoyed talking to you but I have work tomorrow- well this morning and I have to be up early. You have school tomorrow too. I don't want to keep you up."
She gets up from her seat "Good morning?"

I nod agreeing with her. "Good morning." I didn't want this conversation to end. I loved talking to her even if it was just about school.

She turns off the light and we both walk upstairs.  I go into Natashas room closing the door behind me and go on the bed to see Natasha in the same position as I had left her. I fell asleep quickly.

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