Chapter Forty Two

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          “I know, I miss you too.” I giggled into the phone. Niall was coming home tomorrow, and I was really excited about it. My bed was awfully lonely without him here. I listened as he talked to me about New York and how much he loved it there, and how he had to take me there one day. I loved big cities, they were my favorite. I had never been to New York City surprisingly; I’ve been to a lot of other places though.  Niall chuckled through the phone as he told me about how they played on the carts for your luggage at the hotel and got in trouble by the manager.

            “When does the interview come on tomorrow?” I questioned, but he didn’t answer the question.

            “I’m gonna go to sleep I’ll see you tomorrow night. Goodnight, love.” His voice sounded exhausted. They had done so much promo the past few days or so, it didn’t surprise me. I really don’t know how he does it.

            “Goodnight.” I sighed into the phone, ending the call.


            Allison walked through the front door, a smile accompanying her. I lied on the couch, snuggled up in Niall’s hoodie. I breathed in deeply, inhaling his scent. She walked over to the couch and plopped down on the other side. One of my favorite things is how she can just walk in and sit down wherever, without saying a word to anyone. Alli had spent the past four days over here, except for the occasional times she would walk home for an hour or two, just to check up on everyone.

            “What time is it?” I questioned as she pried her phone out of her back pocket.

            “Almost six.” She told me. She stole the remote, turning to MTV, where their interview would be.  “It’ll probably start in a minute.” She smiled over at me. I had been so happy over the past three weeks; I couldn’t see anything ruining my mood. Niall had promised me over and over again in the past five days that he wouldn’t raise his hand in the infamous who is single question. An intro started, talking about how they’re the world’s biggest boy band and whatnot. The boys appeared on the screen as Alli and I both sat up in our seats.

            They asked the usual questions; how they got to where they are, what their favorite parts of x-factor were, if they actually are all best friends or if it was staged, how they deal with the fame. Allison and I watched bored as we knew all the answers they were about to give. But strangely this interviewer didn’t bring up who is single and who wasn’t. She brought up the rumor of Harry, Alli, and I instead. I watched as Harry shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

            “No, no that’s not true. Actually-” I knew what Harry was about to say and I waited for it impatiently, but Niall cut him off.

            “It’s just a stupid rumor.” He said bluntly. Not the way I thought Harry was going to finish that sentence, that’s for sure. I waited patiently for Niall to continue but he didn’t. I felt my heart sink more and more as the seconds passed by. The interviewer nodded, continuing with her questions. I thought she was done with it, but instead she decided to ask,

            “So, who is single then?” the woman pried as my heart anticipated the worst, and sadly I watched the worst coming true. Allison’s mouth dropped as Niall slowly raised his hand.

“I mean, I am technically…but if a girl were to ask me on a date I would say no. I have one specific girl in mind for me.” Harry admitted sweetly. They soon realized Niall’s hand rose up. They attempted but couldn’t hold back their confused and angry looks towards him.

            “Niall.” Harry sternly spoke but Niall just looked at him confused; in other words he was playing dumb. I could see the anger boil over in Harry’s eyes and the rest of the boys; I could feel it inside me as well. I stood up from the couch. I didn’t want to watch any more of the interview, I didn’t care enough to. Allison turned the TV off, following close behind me. She obviously knew I was going to be upset. I walked into my bedroom and sat at the end of my bed, Allison sat next to me. She didn’t say a word, she didn’t need to. I needed a chance to take in what just happened, but it just wouldn’t sink in. He had promised me so many times, and he just threw it all away.

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