Chapter Eighteen

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I felt like this morning would be different, filled with awkward eye contact and smartass remarks said under my breath. Frankly I didn’t want to get out of bed and start my day, but Allison had other plans for me.

            “Get up, you whore, its 10.” She yelled while hitting me with her pillow.

            “I’m up, I’m up, go somewhere you skank.” I whined while sitting up in bed.

            “Oops.” She laughed throwing her pillow back onto the bed. “What do you want to do today?” she asked while sitting on the floor in front of my bed.

            “I dunno; I don’t even want to be around here, I don’t want to see Niall. He’s stupid.” I told her standing up from my bed and stretching. 

            “I figured. I don’t know; we’ll come up with something. I’m gonna go smoke a cigarette though, if you want to join me,” she smiled while picking up her pack of cigarettes off the dresser in between our beds and began walking for the bedroom door. Alli had begun smoking last summer, I did for about 6 months, but I just kind of stopped because I couldn’t get them, unless someone around me had one, then I usually didn’t pass it up, call me a bad kid if you want, but I really wasn’t. I walked behind Alli as we made our way out to the back, by the pool. We sat at the table outside as she lit up her cigarette and held the pack out to me,

            “I haven’t for like six months, but I will just because you’re here.” I laughed as I took one out of her pack and lit it, inhaling and exhaling quickly.  I missed the relaxed feeling I got from it first thing in the morning. I didn’t really mind if anyone saw me smoking, there wasn’t really anything anyone could do about it anyways. I was about to be 18, and my whole family knew I had before; they just didn’t really like it.

            “Not many people are awake yet, that is surprising. The little ones are usually up by 8:30 and out the door by 10 to go wherever.” I told her taking another hit.

            “I noticed that, there are always so many people staying here but they’re never around.”

            “I didn’t know you smoked, either of you.” Harry walked outside in his sweatpants and a white t-shirt, clearly just waking up.

            “I do when I get the chance.” I told him and he smirked,

            “And I always have the chance.” Alli laughed and harry let out a little giggle as he shrugged.

            “Not a problem is it?” I asked him curiously, not like I really cared what he thought about it.

            “Not at all,” he started and looked at both of us with a weird look. “I don’t smoke cigarettes, but.”

            “You don’t smoke cigarettes but…” I repeated him in a fake British accent and laughed, I could tell by his facial expression what he meant; it was written all over his face.

            “Oh my god, you don’t.” Allison looked shocked looking at Harry.

            “He does, look at his face.” I said giggling and Allison joined in.

            “Why aren’t we ever invited to this party? We smoke, too.” Allison asked Harry and he just shrugged,

            “I don’t know, you never asked, I don’t just walk around saying oh hey I smoke pot look at me, ya know?” he laughed. “I wouldn’t exactly want everyone to know; unlike Zayn who doesn’t really seem to care much what people think about it. I guess I’m just not seen as the type.” He told us with a light chuckle. Truth is, I didn’t see Harry as the type to smoke weed but, everyone has secrets. Allison and I last summer were invited to a party, and that was the first time we did. Alli and I have had a lot of firsts together, more than anyone will ever know, things only her and I know about; Alli was always my best friend, even though we only saw each other for three months every year, she was my absolute best friend. I really hate when people think marijuana is bad, because it’s really not, mostly people who think it’s bad have been brainwashed by their parent’s to believe so, but my dad unlike most, he never really told me it was bad, he just usually said it’s better than most things you could be doing so if you’re gonna do it don’t do it at home and that was it, so I listened to him, I didn’t do it at home.

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